Are you scared of your Mrs?

Dr S":3d6n6nw6 said:
Don't know what all the fuss is about- bikes are easy to hide......old cars are much harder to find hiding places for :shock:
I got busted last week when the wife went shopping to the local farm shop and saw a barn full of old sports cars. When she commented that she would tell her husband about them- he likes old cars, they bloke in the shop replied ' good idea, could you also tell him his rent is overdue!' Man, she was livid :twisted:
Expect a few to appear in Non-classifieds over the next few weeks :cry:



I am in hysterics here - this thread is great!
Whats funnier is that I am here telling my SO all the stories (the old double bluff ;) :LOL: )

Its kind of scary though.... my 4 year old now wants more bikes for his birthday so he can hang them on the wall and choose just like daddy...oops
Never clean you bikes.....EVER. That way when you give her the Sid fork or XTR V brakes you'll get the brownie points and she won't notice they're the " brown things " off your bike that have just been upgraded to Pace gear or Paul's Components.
I'm not scared of my wife, but...

All purchases/sales go through the paypal account which is kept at such a level as never to need to fund any purchases with 'real' money.

Every now and again, move a couple of hundred into the bank account so she can see that moneys going the right way and every month or so, shove a few used twenties down her g-string telling her to "treat yourself, I've made a few quid this month on those old bike bits."

Oh, and fit a complicated alarm system to the garage so she won't go in there for fear of setting it off.

Easy :)
Generally my GF is pretty cool with the whole bike thing... and the guitars and keyboards and Hi-fi and Cameras... you get the picture. She doesn't really like the bikes 'cluttering up' the flat but I point out that I don't really like the shoes and handbags and makeup in every room so we tolerate eachothers clutter :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Does nobody on here use the "it's a legacy for the kids" line?

Even my dad uses it to pacify my mum when yet another car turns up on the lawn - "they're for the grandson". He even got the death of the lawn (due to transmission fluid) attributed to my pregnant SO, mother didn't bat an eyelid :?
Was in the garage earlier, wife walks in. "Starting to look like some sort of bike factory in here". Busted. Mumbled something about getting a couple of bikes ready for the summer and then the left overs will gradually disappear... I think I'll re-arrange things so there aren't so many frames hanging next to each other.

You should have seen the wifes face yesterday lunchtime when I got home having "popped to work for a couple of hours" with proflex and a stumpie frames under my arm. Of course the small stumpie m2 is to build up for my son,as for the proflex i'm clean out of excuses!
Hmmm - tricky at first but, when selling rebuilt bikes paid for the conservatory, she was all smiles.

However, selling my beloved Merc 560SEC to fund the kitchen was just wrong on every level.... :cry:
cannondale king":8dveagw6 said:
im not scared of my missus (thats cos she still lives at home like me) she knows i have a problem with retrobikeism and she accepts it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

haha, same here...though I believe she is secretly organizing an intervention :?