Are you scared of your Mrs?

It is generally easier with warts that don't shout with logos. I had a situation when I fitted a rear silver CK hub (which have almost non visible letering on its body) saying that it was a no-name thing that I got as a parts exchange. Once we went for a ride and stopped as I saw a bike shop and dropped in for a chat leaving my MRS and bike outside. Soon after a group of bike-enthusiastic kids started to look at it and talk loudly about components in my FSR - "look, Turbine cranks, Bomber frks, Cleg brakes, CK hub!!!, Oh my God!". When I went outside investigation started preety soon. All I could say "Nah, kids, they know nothing about bikes!!!" and ride away.
PS. The hub is now at MRS bike....
My true hidden addiction is for watches,
12 and counting now, all with her blessings :cool:
Prob because she wears the odd one or two of my smaller ones. though my Bell & Ross,s are Way too big for her ;) they are easier to stash too :LOL:

Things are looking up for me ... The Mrs is getting bang into it!! :D

The only thing is everything needs to be pink!! :D

Mrs SB sometimes shouts in her sleep, normally about whatever topical subject we have been arguing about. The other night (fast asleep) she shouted '4 bikes is bloody ridiculous'. I have been trying to get a road bike added to the stable! You think you are scared, I have hidden all the knives in the kitchen.

You hid the knives in the kitchen? Thats the first place she'll look for them! :LOL:
Just took these pics of my kitchen table. Did I mention I'm single? ;) It will be cleaned off as I'm having guests from out of town to ride this weekend, but 2 weeks from now it will be the same.......and I have a 500 sq. ft. garage with 2 work benches to put "stuff" on, but stuff just seems to accumulate in the house.


No problems with us. Buy what i want, sell what i want, ride when i want. Wish i had a frame small enough so we could cycle together. But even i think a 18'' Trimble is to big. :(
Mrs Ringo relatively sanguine...

What really sends her completely tilt is when the shiny new purchases don't make their way to the man cave in a timely fashion...

Mind you after a recent burglary she was moved to mention that the thieves had missed taking some Gold LX shifter units off the kitchen window ledge...

"Must have been gutted" she said with a ladle full of sarcasm.
Got rid of my missus a month or so ago so have nothing to fear lol

Currently having an extension to my house and I'm building a mancave to house workbench, bikes & drumkit...happy days :D