Apple's new iPad

Wow, they made the iPhone FARKING HUGE! I'm an old fart and our generation is so stupid we were taught as we grew up sh1t would shrink as it improved. Boy do I feel foolish.
It's just such an " Emporer's New Clothes " moment. IT'S A GIGANTIC IPHONE WITH NO BLOODY CAMERA! There's a camera in the iPhone, why not this? This is such a Laserdisc product.
another feckin gadget I dont need.
Lets get out there explore the world for real & actually meet & talk to people. Society is becoming locked away with gadgets till the early hours of morning, can of lager for company.

ah, feel better now ...
Running iWork, it would actually be all the home computer I need. I think I'll buy one.

everything ive read, slates it, its supposed ot bridge the gap between phones and laptops, and better than netbooks, but netbooks, have usb, flash, multitasking, expandable memory, camera - all of which this doesnt have.
Tallpaul":2ldjpgj6 said:
Running iWork, it would actually be all the home computer I need. I think I'll buy one.

You can't multitask though, so it will all be one thing at a time, you willing to cope with that?
it's not even an iPhone, it currently has no phone capabilities. it's an oversized iPod Touch/PDA at best right now.

on top of that it has only one proprietary 30 pin connector. so you have to buy proprietary (useless for anything else) cables to hook up to anything you will probably want to use, ie flash/usb memory, ext hard/optical drive, etc... ONE AT A TIME.

and the name? could they not have come up with something not sounding like some feminine hygiene product? :roll:

very disappointing product, definitely did not hit the mark on any level.
