Anyone in the USA who can help out as a 'middleman' please?

Yep, but they charge silly shipping for a tiny part and would no doubt be unhelpful on the customs form - this is just over the £18 limit...

Anyone out there in the US?

(Thanks for the link WTF but hoping someone would do it not for commission - would be happy to return the favour here for a fellow MTB'er!)

I bought a NOS part from them. The shipping wasn't cheap, but it arrived in less than a week and they helpfully marked the customs form ;)

I was happy i paid the extra to get what i wanted :)


Asked them and they replied:

"We will not falsify documents in any way. This is considered mail fraud."
the $25 they charge are reasonable if you want insurance. the absolute minimum with insurance is $20 and if you add the $6 for US shipping you dont save anything. the cheapest option is around $10 but that's sloooooow and uninsured. plus $6 for US shipping. so you would save $9 but take a risk. and someone in the US would have to drive to the post office and queue up there for at least half and hour...
i've just shipped a $90 item to the UK and there was no custom fee and tax at all when it arrived.

Carsten":96s3ri6w said:
i've just shipped a $90 item to the UK and there was no custom fee and tax at all when it arrived.


Was the customs form marked out to the correct value? - if so you got lucky! Because this item is £1 over the limit it risks a £15 + handling fee. As happened to me last time buying over the limit from the US...

All seems very tricky at the USA end - if it was the other way round and a similar weight to this little adapter, I could buy it post free from CRC, nip down the road to the PO and in five minutes it would be off to someone in the US for £2 airmail on top of the UK shop price and that's that!

Think I will give up.

:roll: :LOL: