Anyone in the USA who can help out as a 'middleman' please?

the value was $60 or 65 i think, inline with the insurance amount. it was marked as a gift.

in my experience the UK shipping prices are the most expensive ones, especially with the weak $$.

but as i've said a flat rate international envelop is $8 or 10 and the adapter probably would go into one. it would still be $14-16 total and the question is if it is really worth the hassle on this side. oh, and not to forget the 4% paypal fee which would be another $2.50.

the 15GBP fee is a UK thing, "we" don't have that here ;)


Max P":1tnem69m said:
Carsten":1tnem69m said:
i've just shipped a $90 item to the UK and there was no custom fee and tax at all when it arrived.


Was the customs form marked out to the correct value? - if so you got lucky! Because this item is £1 over the limit it risks a £15 + handling fee. As happened to me last time buying over the limit from the US...

All seems very tricky at the USA end - if it was the other way round and a similar weight to this little adapter, I could buy it post free from CRC, nip down the road to the PO and in five minutes it would be off to someone in the US for £2 airmail on top of the UK shop price and that's that!

Think I will give up.

:roll: :LOL:
It sucks over here.. Customs have just charged me £50 VAT (which is only payable on new items, their words not mine) on a 16yr old second hand frame that I got from the states..

I have lodged an appeal and am waiting the outcome...not holding my breath...
santa cruz chameleon bolt

Tell you what...I'm going to buy something from them anyway. I'll get it for you. Although, it says that it could take 7-10 days to get it. And then it would take probably 5 days to get to me, and then a week to get to you. PM me for Paypal details.