Anyone going to the london bike show?

Steve Klein

Dirt Disciple

I'm going on the Friday, was quite good last year

Anyone else going?
Yep, it's only round the corner from chez GSB, so it'd be rude not to. You can take your bike on the cable car too, which is a sure fire way to getting a car all to yourself for the crossing.

Don't drive though, last years traffic jams were legendary... Traffic was back to other side of the Limehouse Link, just over three miles away.

If you wait long enough, everything there will be retro at some point.

Last year it was almost all brand new stuff, but there's a wide variety and lots of boutique frames etc that make it a good show. Excel is a pretty good venue since they can do lots of live action stuff. Last week they were running old F1 cars up and down inside the halls. It was deafening, but really cool.

Went last year but wont be able to make it this year.
I also went to the bespoked cycle show held at the Lee Valley velodrome as well which was really good.
It's back at Bristol this year...
I'll only be going if I can snag a comp. ticket. I gave up paying to go to bike shows years ago.