And today I did......

Nice one Si :o I have pretty much the same frame/build plans. Looking to build a budget lightweight commuter.
Visited Rousay with our active outdoor type friends and walked 15 miles in wind and rain. Now nursing size 12 blisters on my size 8 feet (and on my other size 8 feet- little Orcadian dialect joke there folks) due to the choice of £13 steel toed boots as my walking footwear. Tired, but satisfied, yet wistful as our visitors leave tomorrow and holiday mode departs with them. :-(
Went for a run tonight and I also bought myself a new camera :D waterproof, dropproof and dustproof.

finished(ish) the 29er :D its been a long and expensive road but it is nice. Only had a quick scoot aboot and it runs great. I need to redish the front wheel as its a wee bit off and eventually I'll swap out the shimano brifters for levers only.

quite chuffed :D, thats my modern riders riding still some fine tuning to do but by and large they're done. These will hopefully cover all the riding I would want to do, Salsa for light XC, Azonic for lairy trail centre stuff and the Unit for singlespeediness. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow. :D
Braved the Post Office again today. Another mountain of parts gone. A little break now as everything else is going on eBay at the weekend. Probably a good thing as I think the local dole wallahs and pensioners are going to have me done over.

Big day tommorrow, something ending on eBay that I have my eye on. :D

Bearing in mind you got the 29er frame for nowt i'm seriously wondering what the hell you've fitted to make it an expensive build :shock:

Knowing you it'll be fabulous 8)

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