And today I did......

zigzag":39aa04pk said:
Kwality man, I need to start running with a Staffy.

Dont talk to me about neds with Staffys :x , was out for a walk round the streets with my wee fluffy dog (Jack Russel Llassa Apso cross) Sunday morning, i hear shouting from 1/2 a mile away, looked to see a guy with two of the things (on the lead though), he was shouting at me :shock: (sounding half pished), i never new the guy from Adam so a carried on walking and he carried on shouting, i realised it was a case of mistaken identity but he sounded like he was getting annoyed thinking i was his mate and was blanking him :roll: , normaly i would have said to him "look mate you've got me mixed up with someone else" but was'nt going near him and risking my dog getting ripped to bits, the walking and shouting went on for about five minutes before i lost him :roll:
jimihendrix":zz75tqpe said:
zigzag":zz75tqpe said:
Kwality man, I need to start running with a Staffy.

Dont talk to me about neds with Staffys :x , was out for a walk round the streets with my wee fluffy dog (Jack Russel Llassa Apso cross) Sunday morning, i hear shouting from 1/2 a mile away, looked to see a guy with two of the things (on the lead though), he was shouting at me :shock: (sounding half pished), i never new the guy from Adam so a carried on walking and he carried on shouting, i realised it was a case of mistaken identity but he sounded like he was getting annoyed thinking i was his mate and was blanking him :roll: , normaly i would have said to him "look mate you've got me mixed up with someone else" but was'nt going near him and risking my dog getting ripped to bits, the walking and shouting went on for about five minutes before i lost him :roll:

you should of picked your wee dog up , walked over and lamped him :lol: :lol:

nah , you done the right thing :wink:
Today I cobbled together a new singlespeed 'get to work hack' out of the bits kicking around at the back of the garage. A pleasing amount of bodging and swapping out and here we have it....



I might even splash out on a set of gold chainring bolts 8)
clockworkgazz":1i9b9gnb said:
really nice Si and pic of the if when you are ready Sir

Jumping the gun a little there Gaz. Auction ends on Friday.
Locked and loaded :wink:

'Dale is 1988 mikee