And today I did......

The History Man":23j6mtln said:
Rob, Where do you keep your calendar? Amongst the little china roses and other dusty ornaments on the mantelpiece, or hanging in the kitchen next to the royal Albert tea set that comes out on Sundays when Betty pops round to let you know about the ones that you missed in the obituaries and to tell you how her 'little trouble' is settling down now hat the liniment is the stronger one?

Rob is Betty.......
Three hours p!ssing about up Kinnoull hill. No mileage goals, no Strava chasing, just riding a bike for the fun of it.
Typical, feeling great on the bike just as winter coming. Not fit, but full of confidence, riding stuff I’d normally bottle. Suspension tuning by Flotec has turned a good bike into an amazing bike.

Roll on springtime.

clubby":12bc0nmr said:
Three hours p!ssing about up Kinnoull hill. No mileage goals, no Strava chasing, just riding a bike for the fun of it.
Typical, feeling great on the bike just as winter coming. Not fit, but full of confidence, riding stuff I’d normally bottle. Suspension tuning by Flotec has turned a good bike into an amazing bike.

Roll on springtime.

Good to hear it Clubby :D
I dont know about anyone else but I prefer cycling in winter.

You're not going to overheat(I overheat i feel sick) Snow about makes it all clean looking and at night theres few about so you can potter(Usually trying to stay upright :lol:
dyna-ti":3n4p0r45 said:
I dont know about anyone else but I prefer cycling in winter.

You're not going to overheat(I overheat i feel sick) Snow about makes it all clean looking and at night theres few about so you can potter(Usually trying to stay upright :lol:
I agree. You don't have to worry about wearing enough or too little.

Just chuck on the winter gear and go, and there's something refreshing about a snowstorm in your face that you don't get with rain.
Yeah, I don't mind winter at all. I suppose coming from where I do you learn to appreciate the very distinct seasons here.
There is really only a very brief period where it's hard to ride on the road and off road we have the setups available. Pugs and 1X1 for winter with the Trucker for road duties as well as the Big Dummy which suits the winter slow and steady style.
Plus there's always the Puffer :)

Had planned on an early ride this morning, but mate asked to change it to afternoon. Started raining as soon as he showed up and stopped just as we finished.
Only a 10 mile local loop, but was still quite fun. Ground still pretty firm, but with an inch deep film of wet leaves to hide all the roots. Glad I was on the plus tyres.
A bit of trail maintenance as well, tidying up the branches on a fallen tree. Stabbed my knee on them the last twice I'd to carry the bike over it. Too big a tree to cut through with my folding saw, but at least there's a nice smooth gap now with the branches gone.
Sods law Clubby, but at least you got out and that's always got to be better than staying in. Plus you did a good bit of safety work :)
Karma may give you a few bright sunny rides for that.
