And today I did......


I quite fancied doing the red because of the bedrock having watched some runs on it on YouTube but my wife wouldn't have liked it at all. :roll:
A guy that we'd spoken to on our 2nd run down the blue told me later that he and his girlfriend had done the red descent, said it was quite muddy and steeper than the blue.
Don't think his girlfriend would have thanked him for it as she was taking it "steady" when we saw her on the blue.
Had a look at the burn jump on 3rd run down with the thought of negotiating with myself to do it after seeing a guy do it and make it look like a piece of piss. I easily convinced myself not to though. :mrgreen:

A good place for us MacRetro guys to go to. Before.The.Winter. But how do we tell when it's winter, though? :facepalm:

Today was like Christmas :xmas-big-grin:

I took delivery of a brand'spankin'new Surly Troll frame set
AND a new pair of Schwalbe Marathon tyres for the Galaxy.

Yahbeauty :D

I'm just in from my mid week loop (yeah I know its Saturday) so I stopped in at Sainburys for summit for my tea, ham 'n' mushroom tagliatelle & rice pudding with sultanas 'n' nutmeg. I hovered a bit at the main entrance as I'd left the Blue Pig unlocked and there was a couple of neds hanging about. Just as I turned to go in .............................. there she was :shock: a vision, a goddess, long straight auburn/blond high lights, tastefully/classy dressed, built like a woman should be and the piece de resistance, huge eyes yes I did say eyes, who sniggered? (you commoners) and she gave me a lovely smile, and NO there wasn't any one else around.

Am in love :oops:

'SO' if shes on RetroBike and she reads this post then feel free to pm me ............... please :cry: