And today I did......


I ended up with coo-shit in ma mooth one time. :facepalm: The guy my brother flew microlights with (hang-gliders wae engines) took me up in his 2-seater for a flight oot over the sea near Torryburn. Took off from a field recently occupied by skittery ersed coos, front wheel of undercarriage on microlight went through a coopat and it got splatted up intae ma mooth. Kept ma cool and jist spat it oot and didnae boak.

Did you swallow Rob? :lol:

Comrie is great, seems to pack a whole load into such a wee place. Nice techy stuff up top and the blue is a hoot. need to get back before the years out methinks.

WHIT !!!! :shock:

Who the Hecks this Kaiser bloke ??????????? :? :? :?

I turn my back for a wee bit and another MacRetro I forgot we had pops up and then vanishes again :roll:
Re: Re:

kaiser":evw3rk9w said:
I still cast an eye over the place noo and again. :)
I guess it's true what they say about TV fame changing folk Velo. Once you've been introduced to the high life via the Adventure Show it'll be hard for Retrobike to compete with the Hot tub parties at Dougie Vipond's hoose. :lol:

Was up at Comrie on the Friday, funnily enough. Agree with K, the red loop at the top is spot on lots of bedrock and boulder bridges - hard work. The red descent off the top is good too, fairly steep in places. Made a nice change, having to think about what I was doing.

Blue descent is good too - I think I ended up doing it 3 times.

Let's pick a weekend and get it sorted.

:) it always helps keep your feet on the ground by mixing with the plebs noo and again. Talking of plebs, I passed gazz on the bike the other day.