And today I did......

well today i got rid of my hugely massive scrap pile :oops: did'nt know it was as big until i piled it up on the back of the van :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

i also done 10 miles on the chopper and another 10 on the roadbike :cool: and that was after my shift from yesterday 7am right through to 10am this morning (i did have a 4 hour sleep in the workshop tho :p ) so early night for me tonight :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Woke up to discover i'd bought 2 sets of Hope skewers ,a raceface chainring and yes yet another set of Z2 bombers with what looks like a dodgy rebound cartridge and in need of some seals. :roll: Dont even think its disc version so probably 97.Shiny red adjusters though, so i can swop them out.
I seem to have bought a set of black skewers for the Tazmon, then done the same for a set of red ones 2 hours later thinking those are just what im after :oops:
Why do i do this to myself :?
Got my new Shimano roadie shoes today - Stiff as a brick but really light - seem quite comfortable around the office - will try them out proper on the roadbike in the morning.

Took today off the bike after last nights run, 22 mile club run, I managed to keep with them for 7 miles then lost them with in seconds as the hills started. Need to build up some strength for the climbs, I'm dropping to bottom on most of them at the moment and speed is down at around 4 or 5mph. Took 2 hours in total including a 10 minute wait at the meeting point. I think they finished within an hour and 20.

Loving my new saddle too - birthday gift from my sister - I sent her the link to wiggle for a charge spoon chromo cost: £22.50 - she ordered it and wiggle sent the £75 2011 Ti Spoon - wiggle must have known it was my birthday :)
The Ken":249rg300 said:
Got my new Shimano roadie shoes today - Stiff as a brick but really light - seem quite comfortable around the office - will try them out proper on the roadbike in the morning.

Took today off the bike after last nights run, 22 mile club run, I managed to keep with them for 7 miles then lost them with in seconds as the hills started. Need to build up some strength for the climbs, I'm dropping to bottom on most of them at the moment and speed is down at around 4 or 5mph. Took 2 hours in total including a 10 minute wait at the meeting point. I think they finished within an hour and 20.

Loving my new saddle too - birthday gift from my sister - I sent her the link to wiggle for a charge spoon chromo cost: £22.50 - she ordered it and wiggle sent the £75 2011 Ti Spoon - wiggle must have known it was my birthday :)

Bloody hell TK.Im lucky if i get anything cycling related at all let alone a ti saddle,you really hit the jackpot there. :D
I like the look of that saddle but im unsure it would fit me and i dont want to outlay funds if its not good.Lay out enough on unusable stuff as it is :oops:

Today i got another step closer to finishing off the ti to make it proper 27spd,Willy bain has some very nice vuelta chainrings from 1999 priced at £20.Hard anodised and teflon coated 110mm 36+38T in gold but its a light colour and doesnt look to blingy or anything like that.
I now just need a 24t 58mmbcd granny ring,pref red.Maybe a bit better suited to getting me back to fitness again,than the single ring on the front :?

Still not buying a roadbike though :LOL:
Pickup a cheap 2nd hand cr-mo Spoon Dyna. If it doesn't fit sell it on, chances are all it'll cost you is postage. Good saddles.

Well in with the saddle TK! You thought about doing a bit of interval training on a big hill as part of your regime? Thinking about doing the same myself since I'm not happy on the hills either.
what is interval training? I ride up hills yes but really I am just trying to include hills on a normal run at least twice a week -

my current training aim is this:
Tuesday - 20miles flat and easy
Thursday - 20 miles pacey run with hills
Saturday - 20 miles slow and easy gentle hills
Sunday - 40-50 miles pacey run with hills.

I'm not doing any other kind of training or exercise along side this.

As time progresses the Sunday distance will increase. I should achieve this aim this week but missed the last 2 because of work and beer.

This is the Thursday's run - the main climb is where I lost everyone and although it says the gradient is cat 4 and average 2.9% it is 10% in a couple of stretches and feels a hell of a lot worse than 2.9% :)

I'm guessing my strength will build over the coming weeks but I'm not feeling it yet - strength on the level is fine though, and at long last I am at one with the gazelle, it actually felt a bit odd riding the xizang on a commute this week.


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The Ken":2jgeq8sk said:
what is interval training?

Interval training is a type of physical training that involves bursts of high-intensity work interspersed with periods of low-intensity work. The high-intensity periods are typically at or close to near-maximum exertion, while the recovery periods may involve either complete rest or activity of lower intensity.

Interval training can refer to organization of any cardiovascular workout (e.g. cycling, running, rowing, etc.), and is prominent in many sports' training. It is a technique particularly employed by runners, but athletes from several backgrounds have been known to use this type of training.
Is that what I'm doing then with fast days and easy days? The only cycling I do on the rest days inbetween is the 2 mile roundtrip to work. I always feel like a wee snooze after the sunday run so I must be trying fairly hard.

I do a little swimming with umK on monday but not that much as it is a school pool and his lesson - I swim alongside him.