And today I did......

Today's lesson learned: a campy BB and Shimano cranks while seeming to work together will eventually let you down. Had a nice 5 mile cycle home on the right leg only as the left crank had worked itself loose. Certainly made me concentrate on my technique though!
My lesson wad watch your footing when doing artsy fartsy bike/river shots, the waterproof socks work yet again, love them.

Went out on the road bike for about 6 miles, my head was feeling OK but when I got home I was feeling a bit sick. The bad news for yous couch potatoes 2/3 weeks off the bike the fitness starts to go and thats how long its been since I was out'n'about :?
PS. You dont want to get Vertigo :(
I went out 3 miles got off to turn round and my thighs were shaky :?
By the time I got home they had calmed down again though.
According to all the training bumph, it take months, years to build fitness and it only take a couple of weeks off to start to lose it :?
went up pittmedden with shed this morning
christ that place has some hidden gems of singletrack
nearly rode into a tree then some wheelie bins :roll:
Aye I've heard the wheelie bins cam roam free in their natural habitat.

I did 26 on the road today head wind on way out and it was freeeezzzing. been feeling queasy this afternoon though, more dietary shite... literally . skipping work tonight as a result.