And today I did......

Got up at about 11:30am.

Went to get my 'antabuse' pills from an NHS citadel.

Told my councillor that I've still being drinking on them this past week.

Didn't get any more pills because there's not really any point in taking them.

Very scared as to what's next. Can't take anymore of this shit.

Don't be sorry Andy if it helps get it off your chest. I'd love to be able to say something magical in a forum post but its not gonna happen. Anyone you can speak to? Friends/ family?
mistermonkeywrench":305rjokg said:
Got up at about 11:30am.

Went to get my 'antabuse' pills from an NHS citadel.

Told my councillor that I've still being drinking on them this past week.

Didn't get any more pills because there's not really any point in taking them.

Very scared as to what's next. Can't take anymore of this shit.


Total up how much wonga you're spending on hooch - I did this a few years back and worked out that between me and Mrs Panda we were throwing away near on £400 a month - yup £400 :shock:

Ye could buy a hoose for that, decent car , bikes, small scottish island etc yadda yadda yadda :shock:

Havnae zero'd that budget yet but its much lower now although still too much. Think what you really wanna do - then go for it.
kaiser":2umq87u3 said:
Don't be sorry Andy if it helps get it off your chest. I'd love to be able to say something magical in a forum post but its not gonna happen. Anyone you can speak to? Friends/ family?

Most important point is you wish to talk about this as you can clearly see the issues at hand
I cant suggest any course of action as i have no experience in the subject but i would say the hardest part is well behind you

Now ride :cool: Get the blinkers on and just keep going,screw anyone else[Gazz might be a candidate here ,i think he's gagging for it :shock: ]
Fixed up the Dawes roadie earlier, gave the rear mech a good clean, new chain and gear cables, seems to be working great, celebrated by giving the bike a clean and polish, looking great, the daftest thing is holding me back though, tyre pressures, the tyres are a bit soft, didn't have a Presta pump so bought one from HellFreakinFrauds last night, the Ba5tard friking thing is useless :x, lost the receipt too so cant take it back (then again i could take it back anyway, and hit them with it), so the tyres are still too soft (asking for a puncture i think), so plan is to take the bike to the LBS tomorrow, buy something (needing grease anyway), get them to blow the tyres up and hope i done get a puncture before the new pump arrives from CRC.

Will need to take the Bravado for a wee hurl too, make sure it's ok for Sunday, ain't turned a wheel on it yet :oops:
It's pretty hard going to get road tyres up to pressure with these wee pumps on presta valves. I reckon they'd be ok to get you home after a flat but that's all. I solved it by getting one of the wee brass adaptors that goes over the valve. I then use a car foot pump with guage to inflate to about 90psi.
The adaptors are available for a few quid each.
Ive got one of the Joe Blow track pumps but even that struggles to reach 80psi :?
Maybe look towards one of the Road orientated shops for advice :?
just ride DIRT tyres , on a DIRT bike, 45 psi
none of this 200 psi tub/clincher bollocks