And today I did......

Looks like one I got off eBay. Was el cheapo, when I got it understood why, the jockeys can't be changed as they're riveted in.
It's not gonna get used on any bike of mine, might take it apart to get jockeys.
Fair do's - I need a mech to bung on the tandem as a stop-gap so that'll do for now.

In other news the bottom headset cup went in very easily (by hand in fact) on my sunn last night. Now it's fully in you can turn it by hand. I've heard of using loctite or shimming with part of a can - anyone got any experience of this? The headtube doesn't look ovalised by the way.
My mate turned up this afternoon driving a black MK2 RS2000. I was out in garden and heard it coming thinking WTF is that. It's his nephew's, he's got it to do some work on it for him.
Made me take it for drive :LOL: , jeez it's the scariest car I've ever driven. :shock: The back end just wagged it's tail with the merest input of steering, even at 50mph. Mate said he nearly totalled it the other day.
I've had an E30 BMW325i with much more power than this RS and it was nowhere near as arse-tightening as it. Same with my kitcar (sadly sold), a Tiger Super6 with a 2 litre Fiat Twincam, also more power but so much more controllable at back end.
The front suspension has been upgraded, as have front brakes, Brembos I think, but rear end is standard, brakes and suspension.
Engine is a 2.1 litre with a big valve head and Webers, it can shift, in a straight line. Doesn't stop, well it does but pedal goes nearly to floor before anything happens. Possibly needs different master cylinder because of Brembos, I'm not a Ford expert. VW Golfs, Sciroccos and Corrados I know my way around OK.

Oops, meant to post this in Motors thread. :oops:
Rumble":2udrdtmd said:
In other news the bottom headset cup went in very easily (by hand in fact) on my sunn last night. Now it's fully in you can turn it by hand. I've heard of using loctite or shimming with part of a can - anyone got any experience of this? The headtube doesn't look ovalised by the way.

I fitted an FSA bottom headset cup to the Marin Wolf Ridge I was building for my daughter. Pushed in by hand, fell out on it's own. :roll:
Was worried that head-tube was damaged, but got another FSA headset off someone on here, it was exactly the same type, it needed my self-made headset fitting tool to fit it and it's working OK. Could see no damage on loose headset cup so possibly cup just slightly too wee.
So didn't have to resort to shimming the cup or gluing it in but did contemplate trying to spread the part of cup that fits in frame by tapping the end of my big tool number 1 into cup. Too brutal though for me.
I've got some metal foil,not sure of its thickness but i reckon its about 0.1mm,self adhesive ,you just cut a strip the thickness of the cup and wrap it around,as it sticks you dont worry about it slipping or moving.
I think it might have come from a model shop,maybe an art store. :?
Today a guy came round to tell me that the attic (stock room) is getting new insulation. SH#T :shock:
Where do I stash quarter of a million pounds worth of bike, motorbikes and car spares. :shock:


Last night we did a different route for our weekly cycle, road run pitch black - had a single climb of 3 miles with gradient ranging from 8% to 15% I did it all in one go (no stopping) with a 46/28 gear

I was well chuffed, if it had been daylight I wouldn't have made it, I would have looked up the road and mentally given up but it was so dark you could only see in the range of your lights.

I'll need to try it on the road bike, must be similar gearing 39/27 and bigger wheels.

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