Estimated I have assembled over 50 bikes since wednesday , which is around 200 brake blocks and a lot of shitty gears ( I say around as not to imply I'd missed some but there were a few discs too .)
Shame on you lot for wearing out velo . Although I guess this is one of the hardest places on the forum to moderate and akin to a full time job , maybe it should be contracted out to a team in India .
I can just picture a 100 strong workforce in a large office block feverishly typing away into the night with supervisors relaying on the second decisions through a bluetooth mic -
" team A to Macretro chat , gayboygash has been spotted leaving general chat ; team F on standby we could see an emergence of Kaiser and if they spot each other southerners might get drawn in and we all know that we can do without another all nighter , we have already lost teams T through Y deleting the last lot of pictures and I'm damned if I will see any more fall on my watch "