Made a start with the paint on the E3, colours are Ford Strato Silver (a realy bright silvery silver used on Capri's etc) and VW Brilliant Orange.
Dont know what these forks are from, suspect CycloCross ?, brake boss's have been added/altered, seem mega light at 700 grams :shock:, will paint these orange (and hope they dont break).
Some bits, mostly XT, Richey Logic headset, waiting on a set of L&M cranks which will be polished, probably go with a USE seatpost and the usual Flite saddle.
Went for a ride up at laggan to test the new brakes on my cannondale. Not retro but may be of interest to fans of big bouncy bikes that formula mega's, with 203mm rotors each end are the single most outrageously powerful bicycle brakes i've ever come across. They have no problem instantly locking the front wheel at 20+mph if you grab a fist full of lever. So awesome, i'm going to need to play with the bite point to tone them down a bit!
Yeah, the gemini. Don't have any recent pics, was thinking i'll need to take some and start a thread in readers bikes 98+. Got new bars and stem coming this week and then i'll be 100% happy with, so i'll take some then. 100% happy short of dropping £600 on a cane creek double barrel shock that is... ah, one day.