And today I did......

Today i rebuilt a hope bulb i got from ebay, fitting my short axle for the frame mount systems.
It arrived with a skewer stuck inside.Its about 1" in on one side and protrudes a couple of mil on the other.
The skewer is jammed in tight,and i mean tight,there is no way on gods earth its going to come out.I've supported the axle in my big vice and tried hammering the skewer rod through,its not moving not at all :shock:
Easier to just replace the axle.
After assembly,i thought the freehub was sitting a mill or two further out than it should :?
So like a complete amateur i pulled off the freehub :oops:

Ping went the pawls and springs :lol: :lol: :lol: .
I've found the 3 pawls and 2 of the springs but the last is eluding me.
I've done that with a hope freehub - never did find the last spring :(

Just back from a lap of the black at glentress, i'd forgotten how much better (and quieter) than the red it is.
Just in from a 2-3 hour ride on the MTB ended up at Mikee's gaft
for a much needed life saving coffee and a danish THANKS MIKE! :D
I'll try to have the right money the next time :lol:

Eeees a good lad :wink:

well today i serviced the lawnmower and moved some of the cave about and had a wee clearout at the same time :lol:
Today I rode this bike in anger for the first time in ages and was great fun:
Out on the road bike for the first decent run in ages. It was a bit cold for the shorts (8C), but I don't have longs, and a bit breezy, but pleased to have done the first 30+ miler of the year (31)- but slow, slow.

Post clock-change enthusiasm now in full effect.