And today I did......

Today I met Buzz1024 AKA Greg who has a certain Big Eckishness about him :)

I left with the tip recued Emmelle which will eventually make an amusing retro mtb :roll:

Greg has a pile of bike shaped metal beside his shed like Eck and a shed full of nicer kit but like me he champions the lower end stuff :lol: He's also built like Eck and works for the cooncil enviromental bods hence his ability to find and rescue tip stuff 8)

All in all a sound guy and a good source of basic parts !
did strike me as an ECK (salt of the earth) type bloke
no met him tho

get him out for a pedal
today i met Velomaniac who came and picked up a fabulous emmelle from my junkyard :D - i've found a fellow lover of complete crap :lol: and realised that i'm not the only one with a fetish for the rubbish that i get a perverse pleasure from rescuing.
If anyone is looking for lower end cack then get in touch 8)
On the plus side - i did feck all as far as bikes go today but acted as a rather good horse for a couple of hours :lol: i didnt realise that a 3yr old plus a 5yr old plus an 8yr old added up to the weight of a fully grown african elephant - thanks to god that my 11yr old didnt mount up too!!! :roll:
...... more work on the yo and lots of cleaning parts for the wicked tonight= should have her done soon too :D
