And today I did......

Today I got my Microcar Virgo Prestige HSE much to work colleagues amusement as it was delivered to work. Now all I have to do is get it home :shock:

Good points are it looks modern and is very comfy inside compared to my Robin. Bad points are its very small and the engine is agricultural compared to the Robin :roll:

I will report back if I reach home alive :lol:
Today was my daughters second birthday :D I took the day off work and we had a blast, currently trying to get her to bed whilst fuelled by cake :D
I cannot be bothered taking photies, uploading them onto my PC, transferring them to Flickr then reloading them onto retrobike in a form our beloved site will accept using an underpowered laptop with not great wireless broadband :roll:

You'll see the car type thingy and the bike eventually and then you can photo them to your hearts content on your fab high powered PC technology :lol:
Tuppy (tupperware) is weird to drive but easy peasy, its like a road going golf cart. Suspension is a bit firmer than the robin but doesn't roll as much. Take up of power is a bit elastic but smooth and stepless, vibrations at tickover though is funny, the whole car shoogles as the twin pistons rise and fall together like an old Brit motorbike.0-40 is quite brisk but next 20 or so I suspect will be a tad asthmatic. I can get a bike in the back and I suspect two might be possible so thats great. First impressions are it'll be perfect for my needs 8)
Today I have mainly been at work. In fact i'm still at work and will be here for a good few hours yet. Hoping to be home for three as I'm back in at six tommorrow and need a shower and a few hours kip. Looks like this will be the pattern this week. I'm going to be knackered by the time I get to the Peaks Meet on Saturday morning.
Received my subscription confirmation from Privateer magazine today, saying it would start with issue 2 in March 2011!

Not happy, so have politely but firmly unsubscribed.
:? Hope I'm not waiting for issue 2, anyone got their issue 1 yet?
Haven't got mine - I thought I read on STW that it had been delayed until next month?

Interesting about the March date, when I signed up, I was told the direct debit would come off early next year. Seemed a bit strange, guy on the phone agreed, but thought what the hey ho.