And today I did......

Tonight I washed the SV in the shower :D

Had mostly beer for dinner , followed by chicken wings and crisps :D

Then spent the rest of the evening shooting fools on the PS3 :lol:

How did you guess Mrs P was away for the night :lol: 8)

Couple of hour at crawfurdland, think I might just keep the munter, is a good machine over the more level singletrack, just a bit light at the front for the steeper stuff.
Today I've changed my mind again :roll: I'm looking at all mountain full susser types. Bike 2 work scheme has started again as well as the sales, looking for something I can pedal up but mostly hoon down. Means I could keep the Salsa.
And that is a very good idea( keeping the salsa) not sure about the coller bone crunching full susser route- they can get you into all manner of excitment.
Collar bone crunching full susser mayhem is the preserve of idiots.

No one at MacRetro is an idiot, a touch missguided on occasion but not idiots :lol:
Some observations from last night's ride...

The wee £5 lights are pretty good. Quite a tight beam, I setup one for close stuff, the other focussing a bit further away - gives a reasonable (but narrow) beam of light up to about 25 feet. Great combination with the £50 dealextreme / magicshine helmet mounted lamp.

Twilight in the hills makes you feel like you're 10 again and on holiday up north.

Helmet mounted lamps are great. Powerful floody ones more so.

Routes and lines that you know pretty well during the day can look very different at night.

Pentland's sheep eyes glow mostly luminous green, with the occasional pee yellow pair thrown in. If ever sheep looked scary...

Nightriding - what a great way to feel alone. Not convinced this is a good thing, although the silence and the twinkly lights of Edinburgh and Fife was good.

Don't frighten wildcampers... emerged out of bushes almost on top of a couple of teenage lads camping by the side of one of the reservoirs. Gave them a cheerful 'aye, aye' while blinding them with my lights and avoiding their fire. No response apart from one scuttling for cover. Possibly more people night riding in the Pentlands than I first thought?

Thankfully/unfortunately no doggers in the car park when I got back.

And christ, can your imagination get carried away in the dark.

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