And today I did......

clockworkgazz":38vgqmj4 said:
are the salsa forks just to harsh? I like front bounce these days :oops:

naw mind the Salsa has Judys on it, giving a whopping 60mm of travel or summat, oh and the also weigh a ton. The reba's should be lighter and plusher. I got them donkeys ago and got the lowers powdercoated, only thing was they sandblasted the internals and now there fooked.
Today I started my new job , was there at 8.30 . Serviced a newish cinder cone , built a couple of dawes . Hmm I've just made myself sound really slack :lol: Another guy was swapping over a willer frame , broken cable guide rendered it scrap . Actually if it's still knocking about tomorrow I'll see if I can get my hands on it , I suspect it'll have to be sent back under warranty though . There's an old clockwork orange sat in one of the containers , I think It's waiting to be picked up though :( . Finished at 6 then rode for about 20 miles , I only had 4 hours actual sleep last night and I'm now rather tired . I was the only one with no suspension ( all were fully bounce ) and of course I was the only one with just the one gear , I wasn't exactly the slowest though . " how are you keeping up " what ? this is just a gentle ride " :lol:
clockworkgazz":2xcdw1tn said:
best money you ever spent- your back will love you 8)

Yeah, I'm well chuffed

Was gonna buy it from e.b.c in the near future :roll:

It even holds my ungainly & heavy, silly looking SV :lol: 8)
clockworkgazz":2fr8km62 said:
I am treating myself to a new skid lid tonight since it's monday :twisted: