And today I did......

Had my first ride in yonks. Thrunton woods. All went well considering until the last run down to the car park. It's a trail I have only riden once- last winter. Tonight it was bone dry and fast. Too fast. It got seriously steep at one point and I got out of phase on the braking bumps and took a huge tumble over the bars. By the time I came to rest I was some distance from the bike. Now sat with a bag of frozen peas on my wrist to get the swelling down. It's the same wrist I did at Thunton last year. Apart from that just a few cuts, bruises and dented pride.
Getting too old for this shit.
Scorning the 20 knot wind and threat of rain I set off on the road bike and did a hard-working 26 mile loop at 16.7mph average, managing to get lost a one point (yes, it is possible). Warm enough to shed my jacket and ROLL UP MY SLEEVES.

Sore knees at the end though :(
You can tell someone lives on the isles when they measure wind speed in knots :)

I struggle to get a 16 average on my roadie on the flat with no wind, I never get lost although I sometimes like to prerend I'm going the long way round.
Yesterday I flew from Oban To Islay - I'm not sure about knots (mainlander, see) but it was effin windy and THE ROUGHEST flight I have ever been on.
Plane was a BN Islander :cool: which is about as spacious as a mini inside. Flying at approx 500ft down the western side of Jura the plane was buffetting vertically so much that our bums momentarily left seats and heads banged off roof :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Just managed to contain breakfast.

Pilot (blondie ponytailed wummin :p )kept on apologising for the werra.
Multiply knots by 1.2 to get mph, sorry.

The BN Islanders are great fun, they use them for the inter-island flights here, and something preposterous seems to happen every time you fly on one, whether it is landing sideways, near vertical take off and landing as a consequence of the wind or the pilots seeming to have trained on Stukas, or the banter from the pilot, in the seat in front. The pre-take off drill generally consists of the pilot looking round and saying 'Everybody OK?', and the safety drill is condensed to 'If I'm out, you're out!'

If you are good you get to sit in the co-pilot's seat and put on the spare headphones.
You should see a BN Trislander now thats a weird looking aircraft. The third engine (hence the tri bit) nacelle sticks out of the top of the tail fin with the propeller spinning directly over the middle of the passenger cabin :shock:

Britten Norman hit a winner with their islander range ;)
Despite saying I was not going to buy anymore frames and despite the fact I dislike alloy GT triple triangle frames on sight I just bought this :oops:


It was all Mikee's constant wheedling that did it, hopefully I'll really hate it or my diet will become a see hat and eat it kind :roll:
My surprisingly cheap (£75, inc delivery to Orkney) brand spanking new Dahon Cadenza 06 frame arrived on Saturday:




Ooooh, Joe Murray design, maybe should stick the Project 2s on it!

Now I am torn as I intend to sacrifice Tufftrax 2 for parts for it, but it is in a garage in Edinburgh, with no immediate plans to head there and have a chance to pick it up...
velomaniac":1wb2st4c said:
Despite saying I was not going to buy anymore frames and despite the fact I dislike alloy GT triple triangle frames on sight I just bought this :oops:


It was all Mikee's constant wheedling that did it, hopefully I'll really hate it or my diet will become a see hat and eat it kind :roll:

dont bloody blame me matey
you know you wanted it ,the conversation on friday in no way indicated
that you were gonna buy it ,you got there your self
looks ace tho ,i hope you hate it (you wont)
first dibs if you do tho