And today I did......

Enid_Puceflange":1v5xtp2n said:
The DH8 is gonna look superb in cammo finish, shivers are the business mate ;)

Just won the Shivers :D , got them for £190, is that good or bad ?

Will start the paint next weekend, will start a thread in the bikes section and give a full messy account :)
If they are mint then thats a fair price bud,

Mine are well used but I picked them up for £120 so im not bothered , will ride em till they DIE :D :D

I think I just lost an argument with the neighbour :?

Other half gets in crying and says next door had a go at her about our garden , which in my mind is natural " laid to lawn " :LOL: but I guess others would call it a mess . A garden offers me no benefit so I couldn't really care less how it looks .

I go over all " hey ! " Say my bit that is mostly pissed off that he should be asking me this shit . But I think I lost purely because my liking my crappy garden wasn't as good as him having to weed his because stuff blows over .

He was sorry he didn't ask as nicely as he could and he offered a handshake before me so I get points there but I did cave and will tidy it purely because , well fair enough . So overall a loss , but I don't think he knows just how sarcastic I can be :LOL:

Next time I shall plan out my arguments main points and not just start it based on how pissed off I am .

I don't even know how to tidy a garden , I'll just have to cut everything down and throw it all away ; or just move the fence .