And today I did......


You lot ban me from a wee pootle round the Pentlands for reasons of my health then go have a laugh at Blairadam.

I'm away to sulk :(


so see you at 5:15 at blairadam then

TBH its my weekly works rideout every thursday evening
I'll no be there, a was only kidding :roll:

Today I had toothache so got an emergency appointment at my dentist who then proceeded to start root canal treatment and so to add to the physical pain I've got financial pain to look forward to :(

And in further bad financial luck whilst scooting to the dentist I realised the scoot mechanics were not lying when they said the rear shocks have seized. Need new shocks, fortunately Hagon shocks as currently fitted are cheap......ish at £150 a pair. Also got to get the cat jabbed with his boosters, I suspect not cheap either.

Any thoughts I had of nice bicycle component upgrades and sunny holidays have yet again gone walkies :roll:

Ah well least I'm having the best year on a bicycle I've had in ages thanks in no small part to you lot :D

Cheers guys, your all stars ;)
velomaniac":199fe0ss said:
Ah well least I'm having the best year on a bicycle I've had in ages thanks in no small part to you lot :D

What a nice thing to say :D

Went swimming today as I realised I hadnt really done too much :oops: Was pleasantly surprised that I did 100 lengths with no problem and only boredom holding me back :D
Kaiser, your boasts of physical prowess can be a bit depressing to the rest of us unfit types you know :roll:

None the less good work, you'd better nab at least 3rd in SSSC at strathpuff ;)
kaiser":1m4s02a3 said:
Went swimming today as I realised I hadnt really done too much :oops: Was pleasantly surprised that I did 100 lengths with no problem and only boredom holding me back :D

Avoiding that palm tree in the middle probably made it more like 150 lengths. Stop being so modest! :D