And today I did......

Out for an hours blast after work on the summer road bike. First time out on it this year, mainly been riding offroad so far. Forgot how fast that bike is, even compared to my winter road bike.
Quiet roads, sunny wheat fields and the only sound was the rumble of the deep carbon wheels echoing off dry stone dykes. Mountain bikes are my one true love, but some nights are just made for road bikes.
Ha, I thought the same when I popped out for a quick 20 miles last night.

Got a puncture, then swarmed by loads of helpful flies while I fixed it. Couldn't fully inflate the tyre, because hey, tiny pumps really don't go up to 90 PSI, THEN I discovered the road on the last fast descent had been 'repaired' with a thin layer of tar and all those tiny stone chips. So nice and sketchy plus an occasional leg stinger from the stones kicked up by the cars going the other way. Bah.

Kind of wished I'd went out on the MTB.

Oh and I discovered my garmin is now randomly shutting down.
Quickly entered the East Lothian Rough Stuff Audax Jamie mentioned. Could not do it last year for some reason but can this year. Better go prep a bike as its on Sunday !!

Way to go Velo :)
Email Martin and tell him you want to start with Brian and I. That's if you do of course ;)
Look forward to catching up.
That's five of us now as Robs coming and also Brians son AJ is coming too. Should be good.

Fed up of conscientiously DIYing around the house, I decided to go for a pootle. Nothing hard, just a road ride around the Beauly firth on mainly flat roads to loosen up my legs for Sunday's Audax.

Got to the end of my street and my bike's handling problem started playing up again. (Jamie has seen this happen frequently).

Instead of turning down the hill I was forced to follow the front wheel and next thing I knew I was on a dirt track. A mile and a half later I was at 600 feet.

The bike seemed happy, so I just followed along. Soon we were at 1,000 feet cruising along in front of Ben Wyvis.

By now I was a wee bit peckish so descended down to Rogie and on to Garve to the best burger van in the north. But first I had to cross a raging torrent...

Well, usually it's a wee bit more interesting to cross than this. :)

I came back on the low track which still has enough uppy and downy bits to make you work.

The heather is blooming, so summer must be here.

All in all just under 30 miles with only 3 of that on road, and while on the dirt didn't see another soul.

I must do something about that steering problem...
Wish my steering would play up like that, beautiful scenery :cool:
Oh country lanes , very nice :cool: Sun shining :D all good.

Had to visit the top of the city today, so return journey was a long downhill (Carmunnock rd) welcome after the long up.

The new short stem is interesting. 25 degree rise and 70mm long. Gives me some height, but tends to be twitchy. 29mph down the hill and the twitchy front end had all concentration on holding the bars straight. Darn thing was shimmying :LOL: 1.4" tyres @80psi - shorts and t-shirt :LOL: I'll refrain from doing that again

Good to have the weather with us again :D
Great pictures Brian of some familiar looking trails :)
Though I don't think they are usually that sunny and bright :)
You were lucky to get out on the same day that summer came ;)
See you Saturday
