so, how was the bike.....
it was perfect, didn't need to adjust anything, not even the gear cable tension!
rigid forks - super tracking, very responsive, and held whatever line i picked
wide bars - offer amazing stability, don't know why i've held off so long! and being ti, they were very comfy
the salsa ala carte - totally un-fatiguing, and effortless to pedal, almost springy feeling, loved it!
the xtr brakes - best brakes ever, even water-logged, one finger would stop you on a dime
the oval chain ring - well, if i had to pick a favourite new bit of kit, it would be this. you have no idea that it's not a round ring your spinning, until you pick a low gear and start climbing...... it offers a super-smooth pedalling action, with what seems like constant power delivery. it makes for great traction on the loose stuff as there is no peak or lull in the pedal stroke. brilliant bit of kit!
so, a great (miserable weather) day out, and the perfect way to christen the new bike! :xmas-cool: