And today I did......

Went to Horsell Common for an hour or so on my Hardrock, played around on the jumpy bits and got really muddy, but felt great as I haven't been out for a week or two :D Also realised the rear wheel is dead, the cassette wobbles on the screw on bit :?
kaiser":3jzvqecy said:
Nae problems with the hoose then Si?

Garden is covered in mud (bit of a bummer as I spent the last two weekends tidying it up after winter and planting the summer bulbs), garage is still damp and the kids have wragged the sandbags open (which in can't be arsed to move again) and drag sand into the house every time they go out.
Still, it could be worse- it was six months until we could move back in last time. There were nine houses flooded in total this time. Last time it was just over a thousand. A moist garage is a small mercy I guess.
Managed to drag my a55 up the pentalands for a few hours on the beast today
Im hurting now, and theres still about 2 feet of snow in places, that slowed me right down, mind me not to wear shorts up there till August :LOL:

A lot happening the day :D

As velo said, we had a 4 hour Velo Ramble (tm) today, around what felt like most of Midlothian. Conditions were 'interesting'... While some of it was a bit of a slog in the mud, there are some nice wee bits in there - a really good run that will be even better once it dries out, and the makings of a good day out when the weathers better. Had our own wee 10 minutes of 'off-piste/Deliverance/Valley of Death/ohmigod what have we got ourselves into here', but we struggled manfully through shoe-sucking bog and up hill and eventually made it back to civilized singletrack. Comedy fall award went to myself, usual slow-speed crap that Velo pointed out I seem to specialize in... Cleaned the tricky bit, but couldn't avoid a tree stump that appeared from nowhere and fell left down the hill instead of right.

Only pic of the day, Velo's rather fine (if a bit heavy) new Raleigh on the Roman bridge in the Penicuik Estate.


Felt good selling the iDrive, could never quite get to grips with it, it always seemed I was just a different front-tyre, or lower bar, or shorter stem, or... away from having it click, but I never quite got there. Of course it may just have been a smidge too big, or maybe full-sus just isn't for me. If I go down that route again I'll try a few bikes out at a demo day and make sure I get something that works for me. Anyway, happy with what I've got and looking forward to getting the Pipedream trundling. Oh aye, mikee - the iDrive's already got a decent wee tftuned Fox Vanilla R on the back.

And finally, Horsell Common. Is it just me that can't help but think?

thel33ter":1bw0dzmo said:
Went to Horsell Common for an hour or so on my Hardrock, played around on the jumpy bits and got really muddy, but felt great as I haven't been out for a week or two :D Also realised the rear wheel is dead, the cassette wobbles on the screw on bit :?