And today I did......


Just been out getting a bit of last minute shopping on the '95' S-Works Stumpy, if I changed the saddle and got some risers I'd happily ride it all day. Fast 'n' comfy :)

I don't usually do period correct builds but Im tempted with this bike. Once I find a descent spec list and pic or two of a '95' I'll get back to you.

Cheers :)

Went out and did my mid-week loop but extended it to 25 miles on the VooDoo
strong east wind, bit cold, and a bit weathered by the time I got home.

Today I bumped into Mikee down Leven beach, struttin aroond in his man keenay he was. A'l tell you what he's in no bad shape furr a auld fella :shock:

Not today but yesterday I had a lovely day as a guest of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
in connection with my on going health issue. You've got to love the NHS staff their brilliant :oops:
Aye, and they put up with a ton of shit off the government. A real political hot patato.
Just don't give them chocolate as a thank you :lol:

You know how im trying to cut down on some of my stuff :) I just couldn't help myself :oops: ... true&rt=nc

Looked this morning and the rc31 had sold and was really disappointed :( needed a comforter

More frikkin Hope :facepalm: at least its new to add to the other new c2's .I think that's me got everything now :oops:
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For me this thread should be 'Yesterday I did' but anyway, Yesterday I commenced building my Single Speed UK 2015 steed. I already have a single speed mtb but due to the means of transport I'm taking to Yorkshire its not practical. I'm taking the train to Thirsk, about 15 miles from the race venue and this involves changing train twice in either direction. To book my bike onto 3 seperate trains and the difficulties of finding the right compartment have made me go off the idea of shifting the bike fully built up. So next issue was consult train sites for maximum bulk a piece of luggage could be, such as a bike in a bag. A bagged bike is not subject to booking restrictions. The dimensions are 90cm x 70cm x 30cm which for one of you small to average size punters is doable for a hardtail/rigid bike. Not doable if your a giant who ride gates......bugger !!! So now for some latteral thinking, I do possess a folding mtb but its still pretty bulky and I frankly have never gotten on with it plus I dont trust the hinge for serious mtb riding, sorry Dahon but even you dont rate the 07 Matrix otherwise you wouldn't have replaced it. So here is my plan and I know it works as I have done it before. I have a battered Trek Y3 full sus frame and I have numerous nothing special boingy bits. I'm building it up as an SS rig because URT bikes work well in this sub genre and Trek Y bikes are quite light by full sus standards. Heres the clever bit, undo one shock mount bolt and undo the single pivot bolt and you can easily remove the rear half which you then tuck under the frame effectively cutting the bike in half !!!! The bike can then be packaged up in dimentions no greater than the diameter of the 26er wheels :D Plus on race day; racing is only a word that I will not be adhering to in that I have failed to complete 4 out of the last 5 SS races I've taken part in, I will have suspension (Incompetence Buffers) to help keep me out of hospital :lol:
Stupid is as Stupid does :wink: