And today I did......

Congratulations Clubby 8) +Co

Finally and at last after havering over things for a decade I finally get myself a 4 jaw chuck for my lathe. :D ... YWmcJVREuQ
Kind of chuffed about this as I got it direct from RP for less than 1/2 price. D

Other than that bikes are on hold, well building or buying wise anyway. General pottering but a bit further afield though still the urbanite :(
well saturday i went through to see big Al at wheelcraft near campsie glen. the buckle in my rear on the anthem resulted in a popped spoke nipple as the rim was starting to go. Leslie bikes recommended them.

so 45mins drive on some lovely roads followed by an hour or so blethering and watching Al at work. ended up getting both hope hubs fully serviced and a new rear built up. back on saturday to collect followed by a wee hill walk up the campsie fells.
NZ sounds great mate, one of the places i always fancied but the thought of the mental long flight always put me aff. congrats mate.
It's a nice walk that, and you can pick up sandwiches from the café to take along.

If youre drinking the bike shop coffee, limit yourself to one or you'll be weeing every 20 minutes for the rest of the day :lol:
Not a fun experience, done the same myself. Luckily only cracked trim, intercooler and radiator stayed intact. Parked up and went back up road but no sign of bambi's mum. Audi badge missing as well, half expecting to see deer running about with four ringed brand mark in its butt.