And today I did......


Went for a wee daunder roon Blairadam this afternoon late on. Was late because I was watching the good guys win at the fitba. :D
So I only did half of a normal ride but it was luvly and frozen where needed and it's in almost dry condition elsewhere.
It's to be cauld and dry this week so should get better in there, see if I can drag my daughter away fae her laptop one day this week for a hurl in there.
Get in there OCP, out for a wee jaunt this morning myself, it was colder than my wife brrrr... cold aside cracking day. so highly motivated intend to commute tomorrow morn as it's only going to be -6.
More road miles for me. Still a way off last summers times but comfortably beating this years previous rides. Enjoying being back on the bike but missing the banter of the group (even Rob's :) ) Still 50:50 for Dunkeld, will wait to see how weather is. Won't be risking it if icy. Can ride fine but still can't crash. Well obviously I can crash, it just won't be too good for me!
Committed to colour scheme for my Saffron, not long now.

First ride in a couple of months, ended up pushing the bike more than riding, Damn snow! :roll:
Re: Re:

jimo746":1fiohflf said:
First ride in a couple of months, ended up pushing the bike more than riding, Damn snow! :roll:

Bit more sun and i could well leave the house this year :LOL:

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