And today I did......

Looks good FFTC, I've promised myself one this year thinking of getting an apache, saw them at the paddle show in Perth and was well impressed. I have an inflatable just now and the kids use sit on tops.
Cheers TK. The Apaches look very nice and seem like good value. The range of colours is a nice option as well. I was quite tempted by the Tribe but decided I'd be best with a s/h tank of a boat for my first one. Hence the Disco! Maybe get something new and shiny later if it's a hit. :LOL:
firedfromthecircus":28rysdnh said:
Cheers TK. The Apaches look very nice and seem like good value. The range of colours is a nice option as well. I was quite tempted by the Tribe but decided I'd be best with a s/h tank of a boat for my first one. Hence the Disco! Maybe get something new and shiny later if it's a hit. :LOL:

This inspires my first foray into organizing a Retro bike event.

Will post a proposal soon.

Aren't you lads cold enough on land, ffs ? :LOL: :LOL:

I can see why RobMac wants to have a fire in his teepee now!

Maybe cut a hole in the top, fella ;) :facepalm:

Out fannying about with my new (ebay knock off) Go Pro accessories. Bought a wee flexible tripod and a unicorn mount for my (bike) helmet. Headed out on the Pugsley and tried to get all arty with my angles but not had a chance to check footage yet. Did 25 miles in the end including about 10 on the beach. Completely wiped out now.
Seem to have lost a bit of confidence after "the crash", found it hard to commit to some of the rockier lines, which actually made them more difficult. Got on better once I started giving it the beans, but still a way to go. Got my first few offs out of the way, without any further injuries, including a comedy fall off a rock feature while trying to retrieve the go pro!

Away to fire up iMovie to see what I can come up with.
I know, but it's been nearly 5 months! Been back on the bike just over a month now and have been gradually increasing the off-road. It's not like I'm hucking cliffs or anything, yet. :)

As far as the movie goes, computer says NO. My own fault for trying to film in a sea cave! Bit's in full sunlight filmed ok, just looks a bit crap. Never looks as fast on film as it felt at the time. Missed the best bits as well, don't know what I did but didn't record me bailing off that rockpool. Tripod worked well though considering the price.