And today I did......

That does look a great job :D

Fitted a new stem and post to the azonic, reckon I need a lay back post but it'll wait till one comes along, otherwise finito :D Now back to the 29er, then my modern bikes will be riding(but not finished) and it'll be back to retro builds.
Well, yesterday actually - thought it was fun blatting through the snow en route to Glasgow in the morning, until I came back through Tyndrum around 11pm in a full-on blizzard with the worst drifting i've ever seen when driving - like someone just put a sheet of white paper right across the windscreen. No visibility. Nothing. :shock: Slowed down quite a bit after that :roll:

Encountered Merc failing to pull caravan out of verge and blocking carriageway in the process - luckily I was in the Landrover so was able to pull 'em out and free hapless passengers :p

Snow gates closed today and more coming in just now :xmas-cool:

Roll on Blackmout - Glen Orchy :shock:

EDIT - V nice powdercoating BTW (thinking.......)
today these arrived in the post.............



don't have a frame for them yet but you know me :roll: i'll find something :LOL: :LOL:
Oh. Forgot. The other thing I did was pick up the wee Jamis. Decent condition (possible truculent seatpost), spare set of tyres and the widest saddle i've ever seen - pics later ;)

.....and change from 30 notes :p
Big.Eck wrote : "don't have a frame for them yet but you know me i'll find something " But I do Eck :D

Besides their a bit short for you :LOL:
50 miles on the roadie this morn, was going out a run but have convinced myself a bath will be nicer :D
Today I achieved little other than arranging with work mate to anglegrind through BB axle of Raleigh MTB Team so that old stuck BB can be removed and binned. Also promised to spend a lot of wodge for me on a newish bike, ZZ's iDrivel in fact :roll:

Now I really need to sell the old rubbish in my shed if only to get beer money for the month :LOL:

I wish bikes were like drugs, available only on prescription and issued in limited quantities then I couldn't have too much apart from illegal stuff of course ;)
where did that come from? I reckon we need to know your full repertoire mikee :LOL: