And today I did......

That one will do fine :) lovely colours - how much grooming? And what does it leave on the backdoor step? we had a moggy that would bring in adult rabbits through the catflap - not usually dead either :)
Lost a previous cat to a car. Result cant face losing another so current model is a house cat. Gets plenty excercise chasing a string on a stick, not interested in the toy mouse attached to the string, only interested in the string. Mind you its an improvement on brake and gear cables which worried me she'd poke her eyes out with. A sad time for you clubby !
The Ken":2mcfelr0 said:
That one will do fine :) lovely colours - how much grooming? And what does it leave on the backdoor step? we had a moggy that would bring in adult rabbits through the catflap - not usually dead either :)

Thanks, he is lovely - I can't help just sitting looking at him sometimes! The coat is pretty long (especially the mane) but doesn't actually need a huge amount of grooming - a weekly once-over with the right sort of brush seems to be fine, it's very soft silky fur.

Related to Velo's comment, he doesn't bring back any presents because he's only allowed out in our garden and is on a cat harness with a (long) lead to prevent him getting further than halfway through the neighbours' garden. They are ageing cat lovers who decided not to get any more after the last of their five died off, so are happy to be visited by ours!

He's been used to the harness ever since he was tiny (or rather, very young!) and it doesn't bother him a bit - our garden is reasonably big and he can still shin up trees etc and will sit patiently at the door to get it put on. Having said all that, I found him under the hedge yesterday afternoon patiently guarding a very dead crow which he seemed quite pleased about - wasn't interested in eating it, just waiting for it to move again!

I'd be unhappy about restricting an older cat which had been used to roaming in this way, but it's all he's known and I feel it's a good balance between being a totally indoor cat (which Maine Coons are apparently generally fine with) and the dangers of being completely free to roam.
I wondered what the neighbors would say about a pixie bob wandering freely because of the size, never thought of a harness or even taking it for walks. Not 100% sure I'd be happy restricting it though.

I had a wee moment today, I was nipping out to the shops aboard a Retro steed and pulled the
brakes on and 'pop' went the front brake (brake end of the noodle broke off) ooshabasa! :facepalm:
But due to my many years of riding I took it all in my stride and screamed like a girl and wore the sole
off my left shoe :oops: