And today I did......

What about the crud road racer guards? Have you tried them? Though even if they gave a bit more space you would still be limited to 25s I suppose.
probably the way to FFTC, originally I'd avoided the ... -mudguards and such like temp plastic jobs

i'd noted other peoples similar temporary guards rubbing particularly when out of saddle (any rubbing noises, overly annoy me, I should just get over it), also original thinking was I have the eyes on forks and stays, so best use them and get the robust mudguards.

being lycra inclined i invested in narrow, sleek mudguards selling the substantial classic style sks jobbies with the old ribble auduax bike, not realising that the 25mm tyres i'd also purchased were not going to fit (rear only).

there was also a far bit of modification required just to get sufficient clearance with a 23mm tyre, where i had to mill out the brake axle hole to raise the mudguard up against the brake/stay bridge.

think it's time to ditch the rear at least and go with one of those rear crud type guards and get the 25mm tyres on. My work commute from bathgate to dumfermline is largely cycle path, and involves a fair bit of kerb hopping
What about Salmon low profile mudguards. They were all the rage a while back, basically a narrow strip of flat curved aluminium barely wider than the tyre. Not cheap though, proper high end BITD.
a similar design was in the shop on the very day I purchased, they weren't overly expensive, just had a felling they weren't going to be very effective

as per usual, there's a few canny believe moments - for example rode that goat track, the exposure was enormous, and scrabbled up the inaccessible pinnacle without a harness and with a bike on his shoulder. nuts

good on him

enjoy the views, closest place to heaven imo

Cannae wait for it tae be on the telly. He's mental.
I've done the Cuillin Ridge end to end and been on it a good few times but there's nae place on it I'd want to try to ride a bike.
As for the In Pinn wae a bike on yer back, feck that, and I've soloed it a few times in the dim and distant past.
and today i bought a raleigh lizard to sit beside my massif :cool: it needs some work but the paints in great shape