And today I did......

I'll bite....mon then whit frame is it?

Nice coticsoul in black with extras on a well known auction site I'm trying to resist lol.

I wandered inta the MTB FS section last week for the first time in months. Nearly ended up with another frame FFS. Thankfully the postage £££ put me off :D

had a cracking weekend up at pitlochry with the wifey in a spa lodge with outdoor private hot tub.

took the singlespeed but only managed to chage the seatclamp and couldna be arsed riding the thing lol. some cracking walking done though and a few shandies consumed.
A beautiful 43 miles on the road bike in the morning, mostly empty single track roads well off the beaten track... perfect cycling weather with a very slight mist keeping the sun's heat at bay but not blocking the light or hindering visibility. No wind at all at first and only a very slight cooling breeze on the way home, perfect.

Met quite a lot of fellow cyclists, all making the most of the weather and all were friendly - also passed one pushing his bike with a punctured tube but sadly I was as ill-prepared for that eventuality as he and wasn't able to offer more than moral support.

I was starving by the end though, I'd hoped I'd be able to have a snack from a handy bramble bush along the way; rosehips and rowans lined the entire route with varying shades of brilliant red but not a single lonely blackberry! Oh well, I enjoyed my lunch all the more. This time of year is even more enjoyable than summer for me...

Ajm it sounds like we were having similar weather to you, I went out on the Pig for a Urban/Rural high intensity undulating blast covering about 12-15 miles without blowing up, lungs/chest feel well stretched now.
Busy day, farmers market then kirkcaldy for jam. Then spent afternoon swapping brake rotors on the zaskar and washed 3 bikes.

80 miles on the Scott retro MTB along the Deeside way, from Aberdeen to Ballater and back. Fairly flat till you hit Scolty Forest near Banchory, that was fun on the return leg :(
Forgot to bring my padded shorts with me this weekend so had a quick pre-ride pit stop at Asda, £8 shorts purchased, no padding and 80 miles mainly off road = one sore arse! :LOL: