And today I did......


velo, think he's still in Whistler as he replied to his sale thread at the weekend saying he'd be there for another week.
You know what they say, the bigger they are................. :( (Nae offence clubby :cool: )

Anyway, dibs on his bike. :LOL:

No offence taken, but you're still nae getting ma bike.
Pretty innocent crash. Front wheel slid in a loose dusty but and tucked under. Went over the top, still holding the bars and 92kg landed all at once on left shoulder. At least it didn't hurt. Could have been worse, at least no head or neck injury. Can still walk and wipe my own arse!

Just need to see what the specialist says later.

So, yer right-handed then? :LOL: I'm right-handed and when I got my right elbow dislocated playing rugby a few years ago, I had to learn how to wipe ma erse with my left hand, with bog paper, for the comedians ;)

Hope it's good news from the specialist.

Bad luck re the collarbone :?

Tonight I very nearly had a run in with a pheasant coming back from work on the 1100 :shock:

Last week it was a combine harvester coming at me for full width of road, at which point I realised the Berlingo with flashing lights which passed a minute before was intended as an escort vehicle. Boy how I laughed :LOL:
Again out of sink but last night...............
Discovered yet more fabby trails in Midlothian in Lord Ancrums Woods which extend beyond Newbattle woods near Dalkeith. What a hoot, numerous single track twisty trails that keep branching in all directions. Working out a great circuit that utilises more new to me trails above Mayfield and Easthouses combined with what I already know around Cockpen and Dalhousie. Should be a beaut !
On way home I got a comedy puncture, i found a drawing pin imbedded in the tyre of all things, made me chortle :LOL: