And today I did......

Not done today but at weekend, but watched Danny MacAskill doing his awsome stuff with two other riders in the flesh at Beladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival. Leaping off of vans and platforms, backflips etc seemingly effortlessly while still joking with the crowd and letting yoofs have a go on his bike. How cycling icons should be, impressive stuff.

Music Festival was great too, Tom Jones was very good, Glen Tilbrook of Squeeze and his amazingly talented 11 year old son Leon were a highlight, Band of Skulls were good if metals your thing and numerous other bands.

And today i discover my pal DH Dave off of here's just bought a house literally at the foot of Janets Brae on the edge of Glentress, lucky Barsteward !!!
aye, curious about the mechanics of the gearing, think the design aesthetic looks good, but looks like it's failing to capture the confidence of investors
velomaniac":2pelz0re said:
And today i discover my pal DH Dave off of here's just bought a house literally at the foot of Janets Brae on the edge of Glentress, lucky Barsteward !!!

Everyone is moving to gods own county!

Problem is you never get time to actually ride the trails!

So I digress.... Today I bought a totally useless but utterly beautiful Troy Lee D2 Openface. Utterly impractical but should just have Enduro written across the back

Now to subtly drop the news on Mrs B....

It just occurred to me today, is 6 martial arts classes a week excessive? :shock:
On tuesday I dislocated my pinkie but fixed it by putting it under my knee 'pop' back into place.
And you's think my first aid training was a waste of time :LOL: