And today I did......

Today I went to the Tress with ZZ and done the full red on the White Lightnin ( I do love that bike) :cool:

Thats 2 consecutive days mtb which for me is unheard of in years, I'll pay for it tomorrow but it will have been worth it :D

What have the rest of you been up to :?:
Spent the day gettting shot at by bairns and students at my dads paintball site :roll:

& secured a wee beast frame for Mrs P :D

Matching Beasties , COOL :LOL: :LOL:

Spent the day recovering from 12 hours watching a motor race until the early hours. I havn't sat on a bike since last Saturday but spent a few pleasant hours pottering around the garden. Sown grass seed on the bald bits of lawn and got the summer flowering bulbs in. Bought a new spade (river nicked the last one). That's aboot it.

Back to the grind tomorrow then.
Out on the road bike again now that the wind has dropped, and did a 30 mile round trip to Stromness (the Shelbyville to Kirkwall's Capital City) at 16.3 mph average. Not startling, but getting quicker. My calfs are twanging now, and some cramp in the night I would say is guaranteed.

Nice day, but still cool at 8C. The sea is 6.5C so definitely better cycling than swimming.
Recovering from last night physical jerks and beveraging :twisted: several bruised toes and shredded quads from running down steep hills.
Went for a blast round the streets on the Clockwork (dont really want to get it dirty so sticking to the streets for now :oops:), inspired by another Clockwork in the bikes section i stopped off at Halfords for some white paint for the stem and bars, got them painted this afternoon, looking ace, just need some Stalk and HotRod stickers from Gil :cool:

Got the Capri down off the axle stands it's been sat on for the last six months, pretty much ready for an MOT then Tax but with 16 miles to the gallon and the cost of fuel i wont be going very far in it :LOL:
Got the Capri down off the axle stands it's been sat on for the last six months, pretty much ready for an MOT then Tax but with 16 miles to the gallon and the cost of fuel i wont be going very far in it

Great stuff ;)

Yesterday I did 40 on the road bike and in the evening was at a slide show of a trip right round the coast of Scotland on a tandam.

Today been out getting bits for 'me auld Golf' Cupar, Ratho Station and Stirling and now to walk and feed me dog 'Alfie'
Picked up my road bike today out on my local trail for a blast and like velo I'm blessed with some great singletrack very close by. Planning my next eighties weirdness and also giving the 10 machine some love and new kit.
Great day doon the 'Tress with the big V. Can't beat the retrobike/old bastard approach to mountain biking, ie. Frequent blether stops. Sitting on the sofa with a nice cuppa and that post ride buzz in my bones... ahhhhhhh.