alpinestars cro-mega NEW PICS £180

I'm glad it sold to a member and it wasn't abused by some evilbay user who wouldn't appreciate it.

Well done to that buyer. :LOL:
Saving Blackstar.

Yes that's right I am finally the owner of what I regard as the village retrobike. It seems as if just about everybody here has 'had' her (I'm assuming it is a her?) at some point :)

So what now? Well I think I'll give her a good check over to make sure she hasn't picked up anything unpleasant in her journeys (I'm sure it's fine). Then settle down in a stable relationship, although I do intend to ride her a bit.

In reality she'll probably be back here in a couple of months after I have had my way and got bored, it seems I'm just as fickle as the rest of you :LOL:

In fact I have had two near misses previously trying to get hold of Blackstar and I really can't afford it right now, but when I saw it had gone on Ebay I felt I had to do something. I have wanted one of these for a long time.

I would say that Blackstar is a she, all good rides are! She is well kept and isn't to expensive on the wallet, she rides well and is a little unforgiving sometimes but don't forget that she is 20 years old and needs to be treated accordingly.

Have fun. Say hello to her from me, she knows who I am. The others still talk of her.