Advise need - Re: dog owner!

Do I take this further?

  • Yes, teach the dog owner to keep his bl**dy dog on a lead!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, you have to expect dogs to run free in the countryside

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Its the owner that I want punished, not the dog.....

If it had been on a lead, non of this would have happened. Dog owners should know if their dog is aggresive, and keep them on a lead when in the countryside that they share with the rest of the world.
Unfortunately aggressive dogs will always appear now and again. There is no real answer but I find my chunky Gaerne ankle length SPD boots to be quite useful. Recently I suddenly found myself pursued along a cuclepath (no owner in sight) by an enraged bull terrier that caught up (they are surprisingly quick) and started lunging to bite my calf muscle on my left leg. A few kicks to the head with my size 12 boots and it suddenly lost interest. If it hadn't I would have quite happily kicked it to death because bites from such a dog are no trivial matter, can cause to nerve damage, need for skin grafts, muscle loss etc. By the way, the Gaerne boots ride great as well - quite light but with a really stiff sole!


I was attacked/chased by a dog in an area of "Shared" usage. I know/own dogs and killed off the "attack".
While discussing the dogs behaviour and my apparent stupidity in riding in the "Shared" area the dog attacked a child being pushed by its mother in a pushchair. To the dog it was the same as an MTB'r.
The Grumpy-ol-Twat only then tried to restrain his dog.
This man actually used his dog to fullfill...His... side of an argument. Again this is an area that it is completly legal to ride in. The local council post signs asking people to "Respect other users of the common land".
Sadly just another angry old f*ck arguing with every f*cking thing in his crumbling black hole of a life.
If only he would just remember the thrill and freedom he used to have just spinning along on a bike...........

I vote no.
owners of dog's can be prosicuted for the dog's actions same as they can be done for not clearing up there shite . 99% of the time when this sort of thing happens its best to not lose it with the dog the other 1% is make the most of it to improve your sprinting i find it works for me as we have some very nasty dogs along the local coast path nere me & if i find i have to mouth of a the owner they get a bit freaked out hearing an english accent here in norn iron

I absolutely love dogs and couldn't have one put down for biting me personally. I would have lost the head however and in a fit of rage probably thrown my bike at the dog and kicked the sh1t out of it and if the owner had said anything he'd have got it too :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Joking aside though i agree with what other people have said about there being a child nearby and the possibility of the dog biting the child. My tip for you is that despite most people using camelbaks nowadays, keep a water bottle and should a dog start chasing you, skoosh him and you'll find they normally back off. If that doesnt work revert back to option A :twisted: :LOL: :twisted:

Big Bad Mad Mental Haggis
andy.l":3op57njx said:
And if a small child came along next.......

get it destroyed

I couldn't agree more . We have a neighbour with an Alsatian that needs putting down and I hate the thought of it getting near my kids.
Stupid f***ing animals, hate them. Number of times I have got home from a ride with stinking dog shit all over my kit, filthy creatures with pig ignorant owners.... god I hate them. I'd have killed the bastard thing with my own hands, and had a good go at its owner too. The technique is to grab them by the front legs and yank them apart at 90 deg, the blades of the legs crush the heart in an instant. Too good for the stinking creatures in my book. If a dog ever attacked my girls I would make it eat its own testicles. Damn them.
Rant over :evil:
Dr S":333fmi36 said:
The technique is to grab them by the front legs and yank them apart at 90 deg, the blades of the legs crush the heart in an instant.

I'd love to watch someone try to do that on anything bigger than a rat. :LOL: :LOL:

Sorry to hear about your incident Pickle. Some dog owners need a kick up the arse and their animals taken off them. It is a difficult call and the animal is likely to be the one punished, but like folks have said; if it was a kid...... Doesn't bare thinking about really.

In this case, I'm not sure what can be done. You're not even sure if the car belongs to the owner....................but it's best to report these things. Plod might not be able to do anything in this instance, but it might help if there are other complaints made about the same dog.

I have been chased a number of times by dogs, and I have found that using my bike pump to hit them smartly on the nose with it gets them to turn away and leave. When I didn't have a pump handy and I couldn't get away I have stopped and kicked the crap out of a few of them til they left. Another thing that works is just stop and reach for a rock-most dogs know what that means and leave forwith. There used to be a neighborhood we would ride through here in my area where a small pack of dogs would come out to chase us, so we took to stopping slightly beforhand and loading up with handsful of rocks to chuck at them-after a few repeats of this, when we rode through there and they came out and saw who it was, they turned around and left-who says dogs can't be taught new behaviour?

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