Advice on approaching dogs while cycling anyone?

hope you weren't too badly injured. i bet it hurts a bit coming of at that speed.

anyone tried bunny hopping a dog? :D

that reminds me i seem to remember someone hitting a pot hole a while back at 30mph(which buckled his wheels and launched him off his bike).
there were various comments about bunny hopping them etc.
not quite sure how easy it is to bunny hop a racing bike at 30mph myself
As a dog owner myself, we've tried to train our dogs not to jump up at people, because, quite rightly, some people find it intimidating, and a nuisance.

Generally, if we're out with the dogs, we only let them roam off the lead in certain areas (we're lucky in that we have a large, dog friendly park nearby) and if other people are approaching, we put the dogs back on their leads, until they are out of sight.

Ours are pretty well behaved though, but not all dogs - or their owners - are!
I think the big thing is to slow down , I have 3 collies and the oldest (2000 F&M orphan) is a bit of a chaser (only if it's moving fast though) whilst if I see the biker first I get him to lie down he has been known to chase a high speed cyclist for fun, once the cyclist slows down/stops the funs over as it's not worth chasing so when I'm on foot with dogs I tell cyclists if by chance he chases you stop and he'll loose interest, it works with all the cyclists who have the courtesy to slow down enough for me to speak to them/warn them, personally the f**kwits that hurtle around anywhere without the care or consideration of anyone else deserve to fall off preferably without hitting anyone/animal (especially when they think they own the FOOTPATH they are legally not allowed to ride on)
Rant over
Off Roader
Dog owner
When I'm out riding with my dog, we often meet a pair of Deerhounds who like to join in the fun. It's awesome to have these giants suddenly appear out of nowhere and run alongside with their heads at the same level as, or above, yours. :shock:
going fast inappropriately on any road / path isnt good.
i was walking along the canal a while back and a cyclist came hurtling past at 25mph plus (downhill) straight into a blind corner. at this point cars drive down as there are houses and people go fishing so it was just brainless.
I think I am entitled to ride on the road as fast as a car if the desire takes me and I have the energy. When I hit the dog it was because the idiot owner didn't keep it on the pavement. I did my shoulder quite a lot of damage when I did it but the dog came off worse.
Sounds from your descriptions you're all missing the " elephant in the room. " Never mind the dog, observe the dog OWNER. Clever little buggers ( I own one of the bum-licking, slipper-hiding, deadly-fart-producing little b@st@rds myself ). They can however be mis-trained into a number of poor habits by nervous ninnies, testosterone chavvy phukkwits and disinterested " canine christmas present " owners.
I remember years ago as a kids being taken out on a bike by an over excited labrador. I was riding with a mate at the time and saw the lab see me so, as mentioned before, I slowed down accordingly.

I still remember to this day the owner shouting in a frightfully posh voice 'come here Rupert, RUPERT, RUPERT!'. Tongue hanging out, excitement in his eyes and now at full speed, the dog leapt up at me and totally took me out (i had stopped by now in anticipation). He was very friendly though, he proceeded to lick at me furiously as I layed bewildered in the nettles he knocked me into. My mate just stood there and howled with laughter.
bert. didnt mean to imply you were in the wrong btw.

at the time i was thinking about going too fast and crashing out without driver/dog/pedestrian intervention.

(i've almost done this a few times going 40mph down a big hill).

rupert is a great name for a dog isnt it :)

am i right in thinking that as bikes arent classed as "motor vehicles" they arent subject to speeding regulations?
Nigel777":1tm3g94n said:

I went out on the bike yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks (due to injury).

I was taking my usual route, this is a mix of off road / tow path / road.
As I was half way up the hill in some woods a couple of dogs came flying towards me jumping up at my bike. This of course caused me to repeatedly swerve out of the way until their owners called them back (about 100 yards away). I was clipped into the spd's at this point so its lucky i didnt come off.

I subsequently unclipped and carried on. As I passed the "owners" the dogs were still jumping up at me, and followed me up the hill a fair way too. (meanwhile the owners having a good chuckle).

Further along my route i stopped off just out of some woods on the roadside to pump up my rear tyre. As I was doing this a car pulled up, as they opened the door three dogs jumped out and started barking at me and generally going crazy (while i was kneeling to pump up my tyre).

I said to the owner that some people could find that intimidating. To which I received a 5 minute lecture on how I would not find it intimidating if I was a "Dog Person". (I of course comented that I had a border collie for 18 years).

This of course is stupid as anyone in that situation with three dogs surrounding them from behind barking their heads off would find it intimidating. Not to mention that this was on a roadside and the dogs should have all been on leads.

Anyway, enough of that rant.

Does anyone have any tips on this?
Has anyone had issues with dogs or is it just me?

You were being far to nice. Should have let rip and shouted so loud they were scared of you. I'm fed up with dog lovers who can't control their animals. I always give them two full lungs.