Advice after being knocked off bike

Hope you're recovering well.

Your forks are toast. Even if they look OK, no bike shop (LBS) would make a written statement (needed for an insurance claim) to the effect that they were still safe to ride after such an impact.

I've been there a few times (inc 2 road rage attacks, one resulting in a successful prosecution and the other in disciplinary action against the slack coppers who dealt with the case).
But generally motorists are OK and improving.

ARE YOU IN A UNION? If yes, you probebly have legal cover for such things as claiming against a motorist (Thompsons have worked for me). Alternatively check your own contents insurance policy - you can claim physical losses from them and they can then claim from the motorist (with out affecting your policy). Additionally, you stand a better chance of retaining the old bike bits - you just ask your insurers if they want you to dispose of them.

1. report it to the police (which you have done). Since you were injured they are, I believe, obliged to take statements and interview the other party. AND GO TO THE DOCTOR (which you have also done).

2. claim on his insurance (you will need a written assessment from your friendly LBS):
new helmet (that's standard advice from CTC),
new forks
new/rebuilt front wheel (get good LBS to check hub flanges etc),
get the frame checked - if it's carbon or Al, it might not be 'safe'
ALSO front brakes and controls,
Claim cost of having LBS look at the bike.
Don't forget clothing, if damaged (and laundry bill for shorts!).
Pain killers etc
His insurers might try to specify where you can spend the cheque or pay a shop direct. Insist on having the money paid direct to you (I think it's still your entitlement).

3. Claim on his insurance:
loss of earnings (or direct your employer to them so they can claim).

4. His insurers might well contact you if you exchanged details re. settling a personal injury claim out of court. It's standard practice with motorvehicle crashes and saves legal expenses. The standard offer is c.£1000 for whiplash that clears up in a month or two. Emotional trauma adds about £2-300, without a trip to the shrink, if you feel anxcious about riding etc (based on a friend's recent experience). BUT, get checked by a doc, it can be a while before joint/deep muscle injuries become aparent.

Generally, do not settle at the roadside, go to your LBS for a proper assessment. I had a similar off a few years ago and lukily went to the shop. I ended up getting about £700 cuz the front wheel was knack'd, the forks were bent (Ti), the front V was bent and some other stuff too (inc helmet) The guy wanted to give cash for bent rim at the roadside to settle things.

Be persistant.

All the best and hope your bike gets better quickly.
P.S. big shiny bar-ends on wiiiide bars tend to keep motorists a little further away in tight situations. And they make loud clunking noises if you ever have to run them down the side of an idiot squeezing you off the road.

my favourite life saver, AIR ZOUNDS (couldn't find the importer, sorry)
Thanks for all the sound advice.

I went to my lbs who advised they would not want to ride the bike based on it being a 90's Cannondale aluminium frame and said they would say it would be unsafe to continue riding as couldnt be sure of it. Even if the frame was ok the forks/wheel/tyre/bars/stem/labour would be £600+

Went to another place who wanted to book it in for a look in a weeks time but that was no good to me really as want to get it sorted soon as.

To be honest I would feel safer on a new frame now, dont fancy it failing doing 40mph down a hill.

Need to find out where I stand with insurance etc, might join ctc pronto!
i believe in fixies":2wuu7079 said:

No, don't. It was an accident and they have been quite decent about it. Talk to them and see what you can arrange. I'm sure you'll be able to work something out.

I would sue if they were being t0ssers, but going after the nice folk just means that if it ever happens again, they'll not be so nice...
Claim on the other party's insurance - we all should have insurance so we do not run the risk of being sued and having to appear in court. Insurance saves money because there's less need for lawyers and court appearances. And we don't risk losing everything if we have to pay compo.
It's what you'd do if you'd been in a car and the same thing happened. It's why we pay motor insurance after all.
If they have no insurance there's the uninsured driver scheme thing that we all pay for any way. Yu'd need to seek advice on that.
No offence to anyone else, but even if they are nice people, they still made a mistake and you suffered. They have insurance so that they can avoid going to court.
Be polite of course.