Advice after being knocked off bike


Retro Guru
Been knocked off tonight, went into the side of a car who turned right into a road in front of me as I cycled straight on - said their foot slipped off the brake!!

I'm ok, shoulder/arm hurts and visually my front wheel is wrecked.

Is it best to get checked out anyway and whats best to do with the bike, get it checked at local bike shop for misalignment etc?

Cheers in advance
unless you arms really bad and you having trouble moving it i wouldnt bother with the 2 and a half hour wait in A&E only to be told to eat 2 paracetamol anyway!

as for the bike, if its only the front wheel knackered and the back wheel moves freely between the brakes and the gears are still indexed i wouldnt worry about it.

i hope the driver of the car stopped to check you were alright, i know of a few that have driven off :?
If you got their details - log it with the cops just to be on the safe side and get checked over within the next few days if any aches/pains appear. Sometime it takes a while for injuries to develop. Obviously you can claim if they damaged you/bike/clothing etc
get in touch with the police

track down anyone who saw what happened

get the pricks details ( if you havnt already )

these people cant get away with manslaughter . after all you are dead now ! or the old lady/small child is who didnt have your riding experience to not go under the car while he was maneuvering his metal box of death without a care for the world around him :x

nearly happened to me today but ive gotten used to the idea that everybody is out to get me . cruising along the path coming up to having to cross over a road . look to the side at the car going along , zoom , turns straight across without indicating :roll: had those massive fly sunglasses and a phone in her hand

theyre not so high and mighty when i shove them in the street for stepping out from a shop doorway infront of me :LOL:

they do it in the supermarket too , but like i said , everyones out to get me
perry":fswqfq3v said:
ive gotten used to the idea that everybody is out to get me . cruising along the path coming up to having to cross over a road . look to the side at the car going along , zoom , turns straight across without indicating :roll: had those massive fly sunglasses and a phone in her hand

theyre not so high and mighty when i shove them in the street for stepping out from a shop doorway infront of me :LOL:

they do it in the supermarket too , but like i said , everyones out to get me

When i'm on the road as far as i'm concerned everyone in a car/van/lorry/taxi/bus is a complete braindead idiot, nothing personal, they are probably the nicest person in the world but behind the wheel they are selfish, impatient idiots IMO, if i'm aproaching any junctions etc i cover the brakes prepared for them to pull out etc.

Minor incident, on my way to work the other night a crappy little hatchback tooted his horn behind me, passenger shouted something out the window as it passed (dont know what he shouted, incomprehensable Chav language), all this was for no reason other than it was a bit awkward for him to get by and i was causing him to slow down and do something really hard called concentrate, i stoked the boiler and caught up with him at the lights, he was waiting to turn left, i was going straight on, sitting right behind him i noticed there were three guys and two girls in the car (i'm no sh*te bag but not a fool either), so i just sat there, just as the lights turned green i left him a nice big slimey gob on his back window , was wishing i'd lifted his rear wiper arm too :D
opening the boot is a beauty jimi :LOL:

whenever im a passenger i tell whoevers driving when someone is going to pull out , when they do they ask how i knew . i either say i can predict the future :LOL: or its just something you learn to sense after riding a bike for so long

im not sure which is better but a mate threw his bike through a windscreen when he nearly had him off the road and another mate took the keys out of the ignition when a car stopped and threw them across the street :LOL:
my advice is log it with the police, it's only one form, very easy to fill out. this covers you just incase. also, i wouldn't bother with the hospital if you are basically ok but i would make the phone call to the local GP and get yourself checked out, just to be safe.

bike wise, make them pay for it, if it was their fault, they should pay. simple as that.

with out going in to boring details, i think what i have written is important because:-

i got knocked off at 8.15am, not my fault, very lucky escape, except for the bike, limped to work after getting the guys details and he admitted it was his fault. by the time i had got to work, he had been to the local police station and claimed i fell infront of him, phoned his lawyer (apparently) and his insurance. cos you do all that if your innocent don't you?!

i got lucky, he lied to 3 people with 3 different stories so when got to talk to him on my behalf by 11.30am that morning they knew he was lying. i then filled in the police form. ended with the bike getting paid for about a month later from his insurance.

basically the moral is, most people out there are good people who are mortified by their own stupidity of hitting you and will happily pay for the damage, BUT there are also complete tossers out there aswel who just want to get away with it. don't take the risk of not getting yourself and the bike checked out properly, and backing up your story with a report.

also with the injuries, shock and adrenalin makes bruising and aches not hurt so much at the time, a while after or the next day is when you start to feel bad.

edit, for some reason the link to cycleclaims goes somewherelse, but that was definately the people i used. i know the bcf use someone similar though.
Thanks for the advice, I will get down to the police station tomorrow am, I just phoned them and I need to fill in and sign the documents, then get checked out by docs.

Womans husband has phoned me to check all's ok and to offer to pay for any damage, he had to collect his wife as she was in shock after the event, I know I need not to but I feel for her a bit, I was actually checking she was alright in the end!

Thanks all
sounds like you got knocked off by a silly but deacent person, if they have phoned to makesure you're ok and offered to pay for the repair then that is pretty good.