a little personal announcement, working in NZ


I did know he was in the area and I expected to bump into him sooner or later, he currently works for Weta which is Peter Jackson's film company here in Wellington. Also I worked on an Oscar winners bike the other day, flight of the concords? The guy who wrote it and starred in it, I know nothing about it! I was asked by the other guys in the shop, do you know who that is? Nope, why? Apparently its a really big TV show, must have missed that show then!

Other than that its been a good few days since last being online, I worked Xmas eve till 4pm then went 60km up to a place called Paraparumu to gave Xmas with the extended family of the family I'm currently staying with, its a little strange being at another families Xmas day but they made Mr feel very welcome and the beer flowed! This morning (boxing day) I came back via a bus from Paraparumu for a 10am start at the shop for a flash 15% off sale, it was crazy busy but a good days work followed by a good ride with Bill from the shop, he's a top guy, works Sunday to Thursday same as me but he usually then plays in his band on a Friday/Saturday and Sunday night, I'll be going to see him play at some point.

Back to work tomorrow, only have the 1st and 2nd off but I should be heading 5 hours drive north to Taupo to go riding with one of the shop guys Ethan and another guy called Daniel although his nickname is "Bluebars" for obvious reasons!

Thus place is growing on me and people keep suggesting I'll stay to get residency but I'll definitely come for home.

OK so I did Taupo last week, epic 55km ride which was mostly on singletrack, Ethan who I went up there with is training for an iron man event so we weren't ranging around either! The next day we went to Rotarua aswel for about another 35 km, since then I have ridden to work every day and still ridden after work except for last night when I moved to Island Bay from Karori, I'm now living with one if the guys from the shop, its a nice place high on a mountain side and its a bargain not to mention being nicely out if the way which suits me!

Also tonight I met up with an old friend from my early trips to the Alpes, former bass player from NZ band "Head like a hole", Tallbeast, now turned special effects guy at Peter Jacksons Weta workshop which is based in Miramar, a 5 minute ride from the shop, so I turned up where he worked, next thing I know we were at the top of a climb doing two tracks called jail brake and soletery, so called because of a now disused prison on the top if the hill! We rode with just if the special effects department, maybe 20 people in total were out, was lots of fun!

Jail brake trail:-
Jail Brake POV: http://youtu.be/4FWwq_f7SPU

Sounds like you're hating it there Jon. And getting in shape. How dreadful! :LOL: :LOL:

Sounds sh!t, and that trail looks pathetic, how can you even ride with all that dust and sun in your eyes? Rubbish.


Drop me a PM with your bank details and I'll send you the return fare so you can come home immediately.

Today it's cold and windy, but not to worry as it should be raining later.

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