a little personal announcement, working in NZ

Re: a little personal announcement

b-b-but it's white Jon...I was expecting some outrages shade of magneta.

looks good. enjoy yourself mate, looking forward to a ride when you're back :)

ok, so the flights are booked, fly out to Auckland on the 24th of november, fly back to San francisco in late may, fly out of Los Angeles 2 weeks later, might aswel get some US riding in on the way back ;)

hey guys,

just thought i'd mention, if anyone is local and interested that i'm having a few beers on friday before leaving on monday,

Bellemore pub on Hill lane, Southampton, friday, 7pm onwards,


So this is pretty much my first time on the forum since getting to NZ, got into Auckland last Wednesday just in time for rush hour to get to my friend Sarah's place, which is on the 'north shore' , I didn't feel tired and as Sarah and her family weren't there I built my bike and went out for a ride, did about 20 miles on the road, super windy! Got lost a lot! Was a good blast though.

When I finally got back Sarah was just walking in so we had food, got introduced to her kids, both of which were loads of crazy fun which is weird as usually I really struggle to tolerate kids!

The following day I got a bus down to Wellington, 11 long hours but to be fair it was a good trip, plenty of stops etc so it wasn't that bad, once in Wellington I was met by my friend Alex who said we'd stash my bike and main bag where he works so we could go to his work Xmas party! So 10 minutes after arriving in Wellington I was in the beers!

On Sunday I headed down to the shoo I'd be working at, Burke's cycles, its bloody massive! Its the size of an average halfords, and that's just the shop floor! There are 4 fulltime mechanics and about 5 fulltime shop floor staff. As it was Sunday the shop opened at 10am and by chance the owner Peter was in that day, usually he isn't so I stayed the day and worked. It was hard though, I have all this knowledge but I don't know the till system, where stock is, unfamiliar with the brands, and the workshop was alien to me as I didn't where tools were, so a bit of a nightmare but hopefully in the next week or so I'll get my bearings and it'll become normal!

I currently living with friends Alex and Monique and their 3 kids, they're fun aswel and it's nice to be with friends as they've helped with the mundane things like getting a tax code and recommended good banks etc which has been a massive help. So tomorrow, Tuesday, is my second day and apparently I'll be in the workshop which I think I'll prefer until I get used to shoo and the way they do things.

The commute is crazy though, it should be 9km mostly downhill but I got lost, really lost! Did about 20km getting to work but it was a nice ride, again going home I got lost, climbed up the wrong mountain so I had to descend it only to climb the next one so I really need to get my directional bearings sorted, use your GPS I here you cry, well my phone isn't working here until I get a new sim card and no one seems to have the nano type which us frustrating! Luckily various people took pity on the stupid English guy!
Have fun getting lost - I spent most of my life in the southern hemisphere - SA and NZ and was like a walking compass. Since arriving in the UK everything feels back to front. I've found that simply by going the opposite way to the way I think I should go, I get lost less. If that makes sense.

Kia Ora

Hi Jon,

Good to hear you're discovering the area, even if it is by accident! :LOL: I'm sure you'll soon get your bearings and be shown around the best trails by the locals.
Sounds like you'll be happiest at work too, away from those scary kids mate!


OK, 3 days in, work wise and I'm not getting lost anymore!

Spent the last two days in the workshop which I really enjoy and the guys in there are good as gold.

Haven't been out for a proper ride yet but hope to soon, but I'm working Sunday to Thursday but the odd extra few days over the Xmas period, mainly because unlike everyone else I have no family here so my Xmas day etc should be nice and chilled out whereas everyone else is desperate for as much time off as possible.

Miss home though, cheers for the positive comments though!
Come on, where's the shop? I want a picture in my head (via google earth) so I can be really envious.

Good to hear it's going well.

I'll link to the shop website, i'm on my new tablet thing and I haven't sussed out pictures etc yet!!

The shop website is:-

Check out the history of the shop, they opened in the 20's and worked on planes!!