a little personal announcement, working in NZ


Yeah, I like the way that pic came out-deep in the Church of the Redwoods in the section called Sherwood Forest... :)

So today I drove to Downieville, with Ben my NZ riding buddy, the trail we were looking for was recommended by both CK and Pat, we found this tiny little town which was there from the goldrush era.

We got and uplift from http://www.downievilleoutfitters.com who took us to the top of the mountain about 6000ft high and then descended 15 miles back to Downieville!

Today was epic, we ended up riding with a guy called Matt who filmed almost all the descent which means at some point I'll be able to show you the trail!

After this we drove to Lake Tahoe, and I have inadvertently booked us an awesome place! Its basically a 3 bedroom apartment, with 2 bathrooms, a lounge and kitchen aswel as a balcony, TV etc, its amazing! And cheap!! $100 a night each!

Tomorrow we intend to ride the Flume trail. :D

Pretty sure it's 7000' at the top, with 4000' vertical at Downieville-on today's ride at the flume trail it'll be about 2500-3000' vertical drop, but starting higher, above 8000'...

Lake Tahoe, first day. We lazed around this morning, just sorted out our crap really as we got here last night about 9pm, we needed food so we git showered and changed then headed down to the local sports bar, Rookies where we were looked after by Jolisa, huge amounts of food were consumed by which point we were pretty dead!

Back at the holiday apartment we have I watched TV and messed about with photos etc, those of you on my Facebook will already have seen them as if I use my phone I can upload to Facebook but if I use my camera I can't upload them, also phone to retrobike is a bit of a pain for this techno Luddite!

The apartment is great, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen balcony, TV, WiFi, washing machine etc, can sleep 6 plus sofa bed. All for 100 a night each. Bargain!

After we sorted all our crap we headed off to the flume trail uplift, had some food and got the 130pm uplift, our driver Rick pointed out where to go etc and we ended up riding with Dave, an american, native of Denver who is aiming to his bike fitness back after breaking his back 2 years ago skydiving, he kayaks a lot so was strong but struggled in some places, mainly the first climb which was hard as we were at about 7000ft so the air is thin for me being from sea level. After the climb we descended to Martlett lake, Dave pretty much jumped straight in! Me and Ben only went in knee/thigh deep but wow, perfectly clear water at a refreshing temperature! The trail continued mostly flat but right along the edge of the rock face on a nice smooth easy to ride surface, a little too easy really as we'd have preferred a bit more challenging trail if we're honest but my attitude is that trail is there for the views as opposed to for nutcase bikers! The last flowy open dusty road descent was fun with plenty of opportunity to hit little jumps on the way down, Ben my riding buddy hit s massive jump, easily could have clears a person! He's got a bmx background so being in the sir is easy for him!

We're now back at the apartment, need food as tomorrow may be big! We learned the tomorrow some locals are going to the highest point you can ride from to check the route out as officially it isn't open to the public yet, we cheekily asked if we could tag along so as long as we are at the uplift for 830am we should be riding from 8000ft tomorrow starting in snow!


Enjoying reading about your adventures Jon, look forward to seeing pictures/videos too :cool: Are you REALLY missing that GSXR? :LOL: :LOL:


So yesterday, we headed out with some locals, well one local really, Craig, he owns a large log cabin on the main road and also the land that the bike shuttle/shop/cafe is on, his log cabin sleeps "14 comfortably for $1400 a night" :shock:

There were initially around 20 of us, we stuck with Craig as in some places the trail wasn't obvious as the arrogant group of Lycra clad riders clearly found out much to our amusement after they had been boasting on the shuttle ride up to 8200ft!

This trail is nice and flowey with rocks and boulders to jump off the return is the same downhill to the cafe as from the flume trail, it's easy to hit 60kmh on that section :)

After this we headed off for food and chilled out for a bit, then Ben git an email from a friend telling us about a dirt jump park 20 miles away so off we went so Ben could play on the jumps, awesome place more dirt jumps than I have ever seen in one place, it's the Truckee dirt jumps, reminds me of the famous "poet office" jumps.

Today we got up, chilled out a bit, Ben was done, we've done more milage than he usually does in this amount of time so I got him to drive me to the shuttle drop off point for the Tahoe rim trail we did yesterday, off I went again, nailed the trail in every place I could, it was awesome! :D

Tomorrow we head back towards San Francisco, via Yosemite park and then onto Morgan hill where Specialized HQ is.


Took an extended drive back to San Francisco via Yosemite, wow! What an epic landscape! :shock: got some good pictures!

We arrived at our hotel, its average at best but its downtown San Francisco, I think in China town, basically its old and really needs a refit! But It'll do!

We went out for food, cafe Macaroni, the owner Mario came out and chatted to us, partly in an exaggerated american Italian accent, sort of like when you watch the sopranos on TV when they try to be more Italian than american! I had spaghetti and meatballs which was awesome! The portion was what I consider to be a normal size but in this case I could of eaten it twice over!

After this Mario suggested a bar across the street for a drink, "tell them Mario sent you!" Next thing we had a pint followed by a complimentary whiskey! Got talking to a guy about his specialized enduro he'd just rolled in to the bar, then met some people who were staying in Sf overnight as they were flight crew, got pretty pissed with them and went on to another bar, got in at 3am! Its midday now and I'm just about alive!

Funny night! :)

So today was all about San Francisco! We went and got some food and headed off on our bikes to explore the city, initially down to fisherman's wharf then onto the obvious thing, the golden gate bridge, the plan was to ride across it so we could take pictures from both sides, on the way we stopped in a bike shop owned by a British guy! Roaring mouse cycles! Chatted with the guys, it was specialized dealer and also a surly, salsa and lynskey and pivot dealer, really nice friendly place. This was near the bridge so off we went stopping and taking pics all over, we rode across the bridge then climbed up to the viewing point looking at it from the Marin county side. Then back we went and then climbed back up high in to the city and effectively took the long way round and stopped at a restaurant called Dobbs Ferry, its owned and run by a friend of a friend, dinner was amazing and they even let us take the bikes inside and didn't mind to sweaty bikers! Which was really cool of them as it was a nice place. Mike the owner came out to chat to us as I name dropped my friend Samantha who had said we should go there.

All in 40km on the bikes!


Today we left San Francisco, we had arranged a private tour of Specialized HQ in Morgan Hill, coming from a specialized dealer in Wellington which is the biggest independent dealer in NZ has its benefits, we got there at about 2pm, we were met by Seth, frankly I don't know what his job is but he said it was a little of everything!

Initially we walked in, signed in to the building, then I immediately spotted the museum display, bikes going back to the early 80's! I have so many pictures I can't wait to show them to you when I get home next week, those people I know on Facebook may already have seen them.

It was funny listening to Seth in some ways as we had already heard some funny stuff from CK regarding the origins of specialized, so to hear specialized's version was quite entertaining!

For example, specialized started as a parts importer for Cinelli after Mike Sinyard went on a European road trip by bike and met a mutual friend of Cinelli, this meant he started up doing road components, at the same time CK and Gary Fisher were building the first mountain bikes as KellyFisher mountain bikes, Tom Ritchey was the builder for CK and GF knocking out a good amount of frames, also CK said that Mike Sinyard asked them for a mountain bike frame/bike so they supplied him with one in return for parts for their builds. What CK told us was that the bike(s) they sent to Mike Sinyard were their rejects! They had several bikes built with different geometry, the ones they didn't like were the ones that Mike Sinyard got! Mike Sinyard then had them reproduced in the far east which then became Specialized bikes.

Seth was unaware of this I realised! But at the same time thought it was funny!
He showed us around the museum display and then took us up to the office display where they have all sorts of weird and wonderful strange bikes, some have motors attached! A drag car bike thing! A cruiser with a BBQ trailer! All sorts! After this he showed us the body geometry training classes, then onto the in-house restaurant! Then onto the warehouse section, this holds all the staff bikes, maybe 100-200 bikes, the demo area with one of each bike in each size plus helmets as shoes in all sizes, they also have an in-house shop and mechanics, the idea being that if you have a problem these guys fix your bike during the day so you can ride home, they also maintain the demo fleet, we saw a demo8 frame which had been repainted as a one off by an employee that could only be described as stunning attention to detail. I have a picture! It's awesome.

We also talked about product development, they now have their own wind tunnel, they have the ability to 3d print items in house to test aerodynamically before making it out of carbon, they also can make some carbon items in house to test designs so their lead time from prototype to finished item is actually quite short, clothing wise from concept to made item can be as little as a day in-house. That's all pretty amazing, being honest I thought they designed here and it was made in the far East, to know it starts here in Morgan hill is cool.

He then gave my friend Ben a dirt jump bike so he could play on their very own pump track at the back of the warehouse!

Let it be said i am not a specialized fan generally, for along time i was in competition with a specialized dealer in England, the owner of that shop is not what i would call a deacent human being, as a result i didnt like him, his shop or his main brand, in the last 6 months I have worked in Wellington at a specialized dealer and I have to say its been a good experience in that shop and the specialized products are very good with a good back up, coming here to specialized and meeting Seth with his enthusiasm for bikes has given me different outlook on the brand, the part Mike Sinyard and specialized have played in what mountain bikes have become,

All in all a very cool experience.

We are now in Santa Cruz, we got here around 5 and headed out for a street ride, just stuffed our faces with pasta at the local Italian restaurant ready yo hit some trails tomorrow!! :D