A Happy Ending. Heartfelt thanks Please read.

Re: A warning. Please read.

Glad your OK, but you can see you are a true cyclist,

I'm having a heart attack, so I'll take a picture of my bike
Re: A warning. Please read.

TG you are ok HM and hope you make a full recovery :) Always been terrified of the same thing happening me tbh. Have a terrible family history of early death from HA on my dad's side. Its one of the main reasons I have dialled back the golf for more aerobic activity. I hope I live long enough to f off and retire to sunny climes. Can't hack the constant flu and sh1t weather in the UK.
Re: A warning. Please read.

The Ward Sister's husband is a cyclist. She said if I do it right I should be fit for the HONC, which she mentioned first!

As an aside, yesterday I lay in a theatre looking at my heart beating in real time on a bank of widescreen TVs while the consultant stood next to me and worked on it under local anaesthetic. I could see and feel the guide wire etc going up into my chest. Very surreal.

72 hours after the first HA I was back home. I have nothing but praise and admiration for everybody involved in my care.

Thanks for all your kind words.
Re: A warning. Please read.

obviously a hardy old bugger eh?!
chest pains and sweats and... oh look, a perfect photo opportunity!! :facepalm:
and of course you had to wash and lube it before you phone for the docs!!
my hero!! :LOL:
glad your in a position to be able to relay the story, you'll be back on a bike in no time!
best wishes for a full and speedy recovery THM.
Re: A warning. Please read.

Blimey, THM - glad you are ok (well, ok in the circumstances). Hope you are up and about and back on the bike soon (prob best not tackle any major hills for a bit :? ).

Must admit, the nearest I get to a heart attack is when Andy suggests I might like to clean and lube my own bike.... :facepalm:
Re: A warning. Please read.

I just hope this info/experience might help someone else get through similar.
Re: A warning. Please read.

What were your fellow inmates like in the cardio ward?
Pretty healthy looking, generally? Younger than you'd imagine?
Some scary stories, I'll wager!
Re: A warning. Please read.

Actually I was the youngest by about 15 years. That was even more of a wake-up call. A very quiet calm place with seriously efficient and attentive staff. I was in a six bed ccu wired up 24/7 with half hourly obs for the first 24. Had another little HA yesterday morning which got me bumped into surgery. The technology in there was boggling. My retrospective ECG was fired from my bedside monitors to a central printout and console as it went pear shaped. The monitors have different coloured lights and sounds for different events such as a loose tab or raised bp or full on HA etc.
Re: A warning. Please read.

Scary story! :shock:

All the very best to you and your family, must have scared them too! And here's hoping you make a full and speedy recovery. Does make you think....


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