A Happy Ending. Heartfelt thanks Please read.

Re: A warning. Please read.

Glad your ok......lots of people don't make it, my old man died of a Heart attack whilst taking his dog for a walk at the age of 44 only two years older than I am now!
Re: A warning. Please read.

Jason, Looks like it is official. Retrobike can save your life! I remember when joined you saying how little riding you had done up until that point. Looks like the retro miles you have put in since then have distanced you from the reaper.

All the very best from me.

Re: A warning. Please read.

It is quite incredible the stuff they do day on day these days. I've had three angioplastys, five stents in total, and the last two were in and out the same day. Even with a bypass I was in on Monday evening, under the knife Tuesday and out on Thursday. Simple stuff for them.
I was talking to a fellow dog walker, an elderly lady, the other day; her late husband was one of the first in the UK to have a heart and lung transplant, about 30 years ago. He was expected to last 6 months or so but lived a further 10 years. He was an ex Sergeant Major who kept himself fit, which helped.
Fit or not, you can't change your genes and even a slightly crap diet can tip you the wrong way, as in my case.
Did they tell you what you'd done to deserve it HM?
Re: A warning. Please read.

That's an amazing story, glad you got yourself home to tell it.

Get well soon Jason, really hope to see you at the Forest of Dean in May.
Re: A warning. Please read.

Bloody hell, bit of a hard nut aren't you. Scenery like that is worth easing yourself back into the saddle gradually. Get well.
Re: A warning. Please read.

Just seen this bigman...glad your ok and a cautionary tale for all of us trying to get back into bikes after a spell in the pie factory/brewery/smoke house! Keep well and hope to see you at Mayhem even if it is just for your dry (sarky) sense of humour!

Re: A warning. Please read.

Jeez, that's a story.
At least from now on you'll be making the right choices, unlike the rest of us who talk about how we should be making the right choices.
Let us know when you're out, I've got some bikes need washing
Take care
Re: A warning. Please read.

The History Man":so73h3jg said:
I just hope this info/experience might help someone else get through similar.

It may well.

Hearing the symptoms again, sometimes is a good refresher. I'd like to think if it happened to me personally, I'd recognise it - but in reality, I'd probably plough on regardless, and assume I'd strained something, perhaps in the gym. I'd like to think I'd recognise the whole slowing down thing, though - but all the same, it's good - well you know what I mean - it's useful to read about it.

You can get back on that digital piano for a bit - give you something to occupy your time until you're all healed up and better.

Half-speed for a bit.
Re: A warning. Please read.

So sorry to hear and thanks for sharing I think most of us neglect our health until it is too late...
Re: A warning. Please read.

Back in the 80s I was a hard drinking chain smoking fast food eating shift worker doing 16 hours days of relative inactivity. I was fit but thought I was invincible, as you do at that age. It was the lifestyle choices back then and the continued drinking and smoking until about ten years ago tht did for me. I have to have a couple more stents in the future as i have another couple of moderate obstructions.

The weirdest thing has been getting my head around the fact that I actually have had a number of 'Heart Attacks' as everybody kept telling me on the unit in order for me to take it seriously.

Reuben - are you back to normal and can ride etc? they told me I would be able to be as i was or better in a couple or three months but these drugs are slowing me down and wiping me out at present.

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