A Happy Ending. Heartfelt thanks Please read.

Re: A warning. Please read.

Wow , glad your around to share that with us .Im 54 seriously overweight and trying to get back into riding again , lost 3 stone stone , put another back on from x mass etc etc :oops: went out a few weeks back for a couple of hours and rode a small part of one of my old loops , on the way back i attempted a climb that i used to do when i was 20 years younger and 7 stone lighter :facepalm: OMG got about half way before i had to stop and get off . i did not have the chest pains or anything that you had but my lungs felt like they were going explode and i felt weak and sick , had to stop for a good 5 mins before i could catch my breath enough to continue , a huge wake up call to realise i cant do what i did and how far i have to go and that i have to work up slowly . just checked my heart rate here at my desk and its 78 !!!
Thanks again for sharing your experience and i wish you a speedy recovery
All the best Paul
Re: A warning. Please read.

thought it had been quiet round here.

Well done for surviving, now get better, fitter and get in shape for MM!
Re: A warning. Please read.

Well done you lucky old soul :D At least its a wake up call to have niggles looked at, illness can strike anybody at any age :?
Re: A warning. Please read.

Very scary, bloody 'el! Really glad you survived! :shock:
When will you be back on a bike then?

I'm 47 in a couple of weeks....
Re: A warning. Please read.

looks a nice bike worth washing down :facepalm:
follow my fitness regime; allways walk up hills
and if your blowing a gasket get off and walk;
lay off the kebabs :D
take it easy.
Re: A warning. Please read.

First rounds on y... oh, no, sorry

Who's up for a keba... oh, again, sorry, no

Quick! Run for i... dang, again, sorry!
Re: A warning. Please read.

NeilM":3le6545p said:
Glad to hear you got your priorities right, hose the bike off, then call 111. :facepalm:
Chest pains and feeling a bit odd? Don't bother with 111; call 999 and don't feel guilty about it!
Put you're feet up HM and try not to open up the angioplasty wound. A blood soaked crotch in Robert Dyas aint funny!
Good luck with the rehab; gently does it, and try and enjoy your enforced rest.

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